Part Four: Corruption

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Sans' POV:

I dodged yet another attack, feeling out of breath but knowing that I couldn't let this guy get any further. He was somehow continuing to destroy the Core while fighting all of us: Toriel, Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys; all of us.

"Stop this now, and I'll let you live!" I tried, feeling the sweat bead on my forehead.

"Now why would I do that? You're losing. Death himself is losing to an intruder in this AU; how pathetic."

I felt myself take in a sharp inhale, but I tried to keep my temper.

"You're only winning because you're terrorizing civilians and destroying our home!" I shot back, throwing multiple attacks his way.

"And you care? The man, or lack there of, the one who is supposed to kill people like the ones that I am? I never knew that Death was such a softie." He teased me, knowing that it was winding me up.

"And you can murder innocents without blinking an eye?!"

I ran towards him, summoning my scythe and throwing it his way, which he dodged with ease, trying to grab me.

"You call us monsters when you have thousand of people's blood on your hands?!" I continued to shout, getting closer and closer to him, throwing as many attacks as I can his way.

"You're the only monster here!"

I then feel a skeletal hand on my chest and look down, and see that he has my soul in his hand. Squeezing it I fall to the ground, pain zinging through my body.

I can hear the faint cry of someone and, as I fall over, turn to see who it is. All the attacks around me stop.

"F-F-Frisk?" I whisper, trying to muffle my distressed noises.

Frisk's POV:

"Sans!" I screamed.

I felt Inana's and Etrix's hands on my arms, holding me back.

"Let him go!" I screamed at the figure who was drenched in black, smiling, one of his eye's lit up, like Sans'.

"And why would I do that, Frisk?" He smiled.

"You get away from him! Leave him alone!" I struggled against my friend's grasps, and could now feel at least four people holding me back.

"Why don't you come over here and stop me?"

I yelled at him more and more, and after a minute I feel the grip on me loosen and I run towards him, wielding my knife in front of me like a sword.

As I get near him he easily slides to the left, grabbing the back of my dress, causing me to fall. I thrust my arm towards the one that grabbed me but instead, he grabs my arm, squeezing my wrist.

I cry out in pain but can see that he's let go of Sans, focusing on me instead. Sans stumbles up and attempts to drive an attack into his back, but instead is thrown away with some sort of magic, banging against a wall, out cold.

Papyrus runs over, yelling, and I try to trip the guy holding me.

He brings me up by my arm and looks me straight in my face, all while I claw at his hand for dear life, trying to kick him.

"You pathetic, love-struck child. You keep up this act and you'll get yourself killed." He said in a low tone.

"You excuse of a villain. Good job on murdering hundreds of innocence, defenseless, civilians. You aren't a villain, you're a coward with power. It's people like you, corrupted, weak, that make this world--"

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and then he drops me, towering over me, putting a foot over my stomach, pressuring it.

"You're the coward. Poor, weak Frisk. She just wants to save everyone. Where's your Determination now? Why don't you put on a little show, you wimp."

A battle cry rings in my ears and I can see that the five others are now charging, Inana in the lead, hot sauce now in her hands.

"You dare call her weak!" She yelled, throwing hot sauce at him, making him duck away.

I role away, holding my stomach with my hurt arm, trying to get to the nearest person.

I find myself in the arms of Toriel, who turns around with me in her embrace, shielding me.

"I'll get you two! Sans! Frisk! I'll get close, I'll get you both! The new god will claim his power!" I heard him shout before everything went silent, excluding the deep breaths of everyone.

Alarms sounded in the distance and unrest in the Core made everything louder. Breaking down, I fall to my knees, crying.

"Frisk, please, please don't cry. W-We have to stay strong. We have to stay alive. Be strong. Just be strong. Don't cry. Please." I could hear Sans' voice, the speech that he gave me whenever we were in trouble, and the situation called for panic.

I stopped crying, as much as I could, and stood up, looking around, feeling pain where I was holding my stomach.

Everyone stared at me, and Sans stirred. I looked at Inana, who gently picked up the hot sauce bottle, then looking at me.

"Nightmare." Was all she said.

Immortality 2: The New God (R!SansxFrisk) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now