Chapter 2

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"You mean you're gonna buy all of these?"


"Woah? Seriously?

"Seriously." I said as I pushed the cart filled with Exo merchs towards the counter. Yes you've read it right. It's been a month now since I became an exo stan. I won't deny the fact that I once was an ultimate kpop hater but hey that was before I met Exo. Before I met my Panda.

"Hey here you just swiped out every cent on your credit card." Kristine, my father's nephew hand me the credit card and a couple of bags which contains all my precious. She spoke frowning. "You know you can't eat all of those."

"Who said I'm eating all of these?" I said collecting my bags.

"Well you don't have to spend such amount for things like that. You should've donated it to the charity."

"C'mon couz you know I don't spend an amount on things except for food, footwears and for Exo. Just let me have fun and besides I'm recieving my salary the next week." I said entering the portals of Starbucks. "And you know I'm sending my monthly support to several charities around Asia.

"Whatever" She said then walked towards the counter while I occupied my seat.

Scrolling down my phone, a message popped up from Shobe.

Yeon Young: Yah where are you?

Ai Han: At the mall why?

Yeon Young: What mall?

Ai Han: SM. I'm with Kristine at Starbucks.

Yeon Young: Okay okay five minutes I'll be there wait for me!

I sat back in my seat and waited for Kristine. I was in the middle of my daydream when someone suddenly slumped down the table and directly to the seat acing mine. I stared at this bubbly petite girl smiling widely at me her big bunny head band glowing with its pink neon color.

"Five minutes is five minutes!" She grinned.

"Nah your five seconds late" I smirked after glancing at my wrist watch.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes heavenwards and did not looked back at me as if she was mad. After a couple of seconds she started squeeling and hammering the poor table. People were starting to look at us. Oh mon.

"Uhh excuse me what is happening?" Kristine asked as soon as she got on our place. She was carrying a venti of Caffe Americano and Capuccino. I grabbed my Americano and instantly took a sip. All the waiting has caused the dragons in my stomach to growl hard.

"Well obviously, Yeon Young is in a state of loosing her soul over a thing or two." I replied after taking a bite from my Ferrero Rocher.

"Oh okay since you already have Yeon for company can I leave you two together now? We are having an urgent meeting at the hospital" She said collecting her bags.

"Was it really an urgent meeting in the hospital?" I grinned at her. She frowned at me. She knew what's going on in my mind. Lmao.

"I am not meeting with Leo okay? Okay now may I go?"

"Whatever go away and never come back" I said as if I was character from an old English fairytale.

"Tss okay I gotta go wheres my- hey!" Kristine's frown grew bigger as she saw Yeon Young drink all the contains of her beloved Capuccino. "Why the hell did you drank my Capuccino?!"

"Meheh I got thursty from squeeling" Yeon replied with her wide smile.

"Seriously Yeon?"

"Seriously eonnie."

''Ugh whatever I gotta go bye." She said then stormed her way out of the place. Great now it's me and Yeon together.

"What is all your squeeling all about?" I asked as I scroll down my phone for messages. "Updates about Exo?" I asked. It seemed as if I was the virus carrier that I've passed my kpopiness into some of my friends but among all of them, Soe Yeon Young, which we usually call Shobe because of her being the great maknae, was the most affected that she became as crazy as I am the moment she met Oh Sehun.

"Pfft! look look look!" she said as she handed me her phone. I took her phone and read what's written on the screen.

As I read the text, each word sent me a kind of sensation. I felt shivers run through my system. This is so unreal.

Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Philippines
November 2011 | 10:45 Am |

It was just after a couple of minutes when the plane landed and here I am walking through the tunnel with Yeon Young beside me. It was a month ago since we've decided to meet the other girls. It's our first anniversary as bestfriends and I'd never accept such celebration without  personally being with them.

I groaned as I noticed my boots' laces being untied. I stopped for a moment and fixed my shoes. I frowned as I got up without Yeon standing by my side. Ugh did I mention I was in the middle of the tunnel? She must've left me again. Great.

I ran towards the tunnel's mouth entering the airport doors, hoping to see Yeon but unfortunately the mushroom is out of sight. Great. Just great.

My baggage were dragged towards one of the airport's diners for me to occupy a seat. I was continously dialing Yeon's number but I recieved no answers. After what seemed to be forever, Yeon Young has finally answered my calls.

"What the fudge cakes did you left me there in the tunnel?!" I said as soon as the call was on.

"Yehey you're back! But why can't I see you?"

"Well of course you can't see me I'm not even with you"

"Noo you were with me I saw you flying!"

"Flying? Excuse me what am I? a fly?"

"Noo you're a bumble bee I saw you flying beside me that is why I kept on walking you never informed me that you've already transformed into a human that is so unfair I never had a chance to see you change I bet it was awesome"

My jaw dropped. Seriously? Seriously. I faceplamed.

"What the fudge Shob seriously? You seriously think I transformed into a bumble bee a while ago?"

"It happened in Fairly Odd Parents, it wouldn't be impossible if it happens to you" I heard her giggled. Oh mon. Soe Yeon Young is such a weirdo.

"Yeon Young!" I spoke almost a yell.

"Hihihi yes?" She answered. I facepalmed.

"Where are you?"

"At the Airport hihihi"

"I know you are at the airport what I mean is which part of the airport are you because this is one huge airport." I spoke sounding impatient.

"Oh me? I'm on the ice crea-"

"What? Shob? Yohoo?" The line was cut. I took my phone away from my ear to redial when suddenly something broke my mood.

I almost cried when I saw my phone turned into pitch black. Great just great why do you always die at the time I needed you most? Ugh stupid phone.

It was way past an hour since we arrived in Manila. Way past an hour since I have been mindlessly roaming around NAIA, hoping to find the great mushroom and by the looks of it, I seemed to be hopeless. My mind is not in it's right state. My feet are in pain and I am physically and mentally exhausted. Where are the girls?

I was pacing back in fort finding Shobe and the other girls when someone suddenly bumped into me. Great.

"Oh I'm sorry miss- Ai Han?!"

I almost cried seeing the guy infront of me. I was all out of words all I did was hugged him the moment I saw him.

"What are you doing here? I though you're gonna meet up with your friends? Where's Yeon Young?"

"I am! I am gonna meet up with them but I got lost! I lost Shobe and my phone died i don't know where she is right now!"

"You know you really need to purchase another phone or even a power bank." He spoke and then dragged me to I don't know where.

Journey To RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora