Chapter 4

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"Thank you!" We all said in unison and bowed after finishing our last performance for the night. The whole place was enveloped with cheers and applause coming from the audience.

It's been a week since the the girls and I personally met, it's been a week since we started performing at Valkyrie. Yes, it was all new for the five of us and we never expected things to be as it is right now. We never expected that that single performance of ours would serve as our starting points. All we did for the time we had together was do some gigs on several bars, shop, tour and gone to diffirent places here in Luzon and tonight's our last night together before flying back to our homes.

"That was a blast!" Shin said throwing herself to the couch backstage. I saw Shobe threw her body into Shin which caused Shin to groan that made Shobe giggled.

"Yeah and I can't believe I'm heading back home tomorrow." Nam shook her head and placed herself on the couch next to Shin and Shob.

"Well it was a great week though. We can always plan things up for our next trip together." I shrugged and pull the pins out of my hair causing them to fall down.

"Yeah that'll be great!" Shob said with her eyes sparkling.

"Uhmm.. I'm sorry, I can't be with you guys..." Jin looked away and bit her lower lip before she continued to speak. "For the trip."

We all looked at Jin who just emerged at the doors staring at her phone. I saw Nam and Shin frown.

"Why?" I asked and looked at her as she sat on the chair next to the dresser.

"My mom, she wants me to fly back to China."

"B-but why?" Shin asked raising one brow.

"I-I have some business to do."

"Okay then let's set it all up when you get back!" Shobe spoke in her squeeky voice and she was all smiles.

"I don't know Shob, I-I still don't know when will I come back."

The whole place wrapped up by silence. We were all looking at Jin who's just staring blank. The girls were frowning. Shob was pouting. I bit my lip and shook my head. This is awkward.

I know what Jin's feeling right now. I've been in her place for ages. It makes me feel sad remembering the fact that I'll be home tomorrow. I'll probably deal with all the works again.

"Uhm.. o-okay then! Hey guys it's almost midnight we should get going." I said breaking the silence. No one spoke, they just stood up and collected the stuffs. The atmosphere was now a lot different.

Our ride back to our hotel didn't take long. No one dared to talk even after we arrived in our suite. Everyone seemed to be tired so we all just went to sleep.

The night swiftly passed and the morning arrived. The girls and I are now standing in the middle of NAIA bidding goodbye to each other before going in our seperate ways.

"I just wanted to say sorry to you eomma for acting all bitchy yesterday. I was just...sad." I saw Shin bit her lips after saying those words. I looked at eomma she smiled and reached for Shin to hug her.

"Nah that's alright. I understand. I'm sorry too, for leaving." Jin said. Nam came near Jin and hugged her.

"We're sorry eomma, take care of yourself in China. Don't forget about us alright?" Nam smiled. Jin smiled and spoke. "I won't."

Shobe ran towards eomma, Shin and Nam then immediately hugged the our three eonnies. Tears were constantly shredding from her eyes.

The scenario infront of me is too much to take. I too ran towards them then hugged them tightly. We all looked like weird girls hugging each other to death in the middle of an airport but hell we didn't care. This is our last minutes together. We never know when we'll see each other again. The moment was worth treasuring.

Journey To RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora