Chapter 4: Oh Sister

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"Hey, Nagisa, did you find your sister yet?" Kayano tapped my shoulder as I looked around.

I glared at her. "No."

She looked away, nervous, and didn't utter an other word... For about 2.5 seconds.

"Do you think she left?" she asked me.

"... I told her not to leave home without me unless I told her to go he alone. So probably not."

But then again it is Miki...

"Do you think she was kidnapped? Like someone else took her away while the teachers weren't looking, and now she could be de-"

"Just help me look." I interrupted her.

She looked nervous but nodded in agreement.

"Have your guys seen, Yui?" Karma popped up. "I can't seem to find her."

"We have not seen her and I can't seem to find my little sister either."

We both stopped dead in our tracks.

"So they're both gone?" I said shakily.

"Huh?" Karma said with a cracked voice.



"Uh, guys, do you think we should ask their teacher or something?" Kayano suggested.

We both turned and looked at her.

"Yeah, should probably do that." I said sheepishly.

"Mhm, let's go." Karma walked to the schools doors.


"So, from what I heard from the teacher. Is, that she saw them going that way alone." Karma pointed at our usual route.

So they did leave without us.

"Alright then, let's just go home." I started walking.

I am going to kill her...

"Hey, Nagisa," Kayano said. "Why do you think think they left?"

"Dunno, but I'm sure that I'm gonna kill her when I get back."

"Haha" Kayano laughed.

"Nagisa, don't be so hard on her. Just give her a scolding and then give her food. That's what I do anyway." Karma shrugged nonchalantly.

I sighed.

Maybe I do need to be more patient with her, more then unusual.

"Nagisa," Karma tapped my shoulder. "Your house door is open."

I stopped and looked over there.

"Shit." I bolted over to the door.

I entered the house carefully as I heard plates hit the table. Once I saw what Miki had done I noticed that there was an other one in there. Yui.

"Miki, what are you doing?" I stepped towards her.

She jumped slightly along with Yui. Both girls turned to look at me nervously.

"Uh... Well..." Miki put down the plate on the table.


"So you guys: went home alone,. Yui, you came here instead of home. And made a mess." Karma crossed his arms.

Both girls looked down, probably shame.

"We're sorry, Brother." Yui told Karma. "It's just, we wanted to do something special..."

I raised an eyebrow.

"We just wanted to surprise my brother... And Karma, with a big feast." Miki finished the others sentence.

Karma and I, gasped.

"Aww, Yui..." Karma said... Then attacked Yui with a bear hug. "I had no idea that you'd actually do that for me!" he dotted on her.
She giggled as brother tickled her. Yui's long, red ponytail swayed as she tried to push her brother off.

I smiled at the two.

I guess, they had a pretty cute reason.

I looked over at Miki, who seemed happy but I could see, that she wanted me to do Mt on her too.

Before I could move, Kayano popped up and bonked me over my head.

"Hey there, thought you could just leave me outside to rot, Aye?" she frowned at me.

"Kayano," I rubbed the back of my head. "You just entered my house without permission, please leave."

She gave me that are-you-serious look. "What?"

"Kidding, just don't sneak up on me like that." I laughed.

We shared that laugh as Kayano gave me a hug.

"Okay fine, I promise I won't sneak up on you like that." she giggled softly. "But if you forget about me like that again, I won't hesitate to hit you over the head."

We laughed. Sharing the same pitch.

"Oh my goodness..." Miki spoke up. "She's real!!!" Miki freaked out.

The small girl came in and joined the hug. Her long braid was tied up in a loose bun, but feel down as soon as she hugged me.

"Awh, your little sister is so cute, Nagisa." Kayano got off and said. "She looked just like you."

I swear Miki's eyes had stars in them. "I do?!! I told you Nagisa!"

"Yeah, but I told you, I'm not a girl."

"Are we sure we can take your word on that, Nagisa. 'Cause, you have no proof to say that you're a guy." Karma pointed out.

"What do you want me to do?!" I shouted. "Take off my shirt?!"

They all laughed at me and kept on teasing me. But in awhile, I joined in too.

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