Chapter 9: Alone

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It was the day. She said she wanted to wait by the train station.

"Brother, is this a date?" Miki asked in all innocents.

I patted her head. "No, she doesn't see me that way. Now let's drop you off and the Akabane's."


I took her hand as we crossed the street. It was getting hot out now that it was May.

"Brother, look." Miki tugged on me and pointed to a few kids on their bikes going to the park.

"Ah, I bet you wanna bike too. We can get one during the summer so you can go riding with Yui." I smiled.

She nodded and we continued to walk. It doesn't take us long to get there.

"I'll be back sooner or later." I tell her as she rings the bell.

She nods as Yui opens the door.

"Miki, Nagisa, hello." She says politely.

"Hello to you too. Tell your brother that I'll be back for Miki later."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye bye, brother."


"Hi, Kaede, sorry if I kept you waiting." I say as I walk up to her.

She smiled. "Hi, and you didn't keep me waiting at all."

"Good. Now where are we going?"

"Candy shopping." She said.


It was a big store, with a lot of candy. All flavors, from good to ones which make you question life.

"You can go around choosing your own I'll be over by the gummy bears." She informed me before walking away.

I nod as my phone buzzed. Unknown text.

"By 5 am... 5613675¥... " I turn my phone off as I read the location. "Got it."

I smiled. This was a good deal, I mean for the head of child of an adult

"But it's a woman. How shall I play this out?" I began to think.

Mid train of thought, Kaede came up behind me.

"Why haven't you gone candy hunting? I come back here for the rock candy and you still here thinking about god knows what."

I tuck my phone in my pocket. "Oh really? I'm sorry. I guess I got distracted by this candy corn." I said pointing at the nearest candy shelf.

"What's so interesting about candy corn? I get that it's delicious but not that good." She said.

It really isn't but I have to act like I'm all about it.

"Ahh well, you and I have different opinions about candy corn, I guess."

Kaede frowned. "Whatever. Just get some sort of candy. Before I get bored."

I smiled sheepishly and began to walk towards some chocolates in a baggy. They looked pretty good so I got two, one for me and the other for Miki.

"Is that all?"


We both went to the cash register. She set down her pile of candy and I set down my two bags.

When the cashier was done she gave us the total. Which, I ended up paying.

"I'm so glad you paid, I'm sure I wouldn't of been able to pay for all of that." Kaede laughed.

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