Chapter 25: The End

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"You know it's the end of the year now, right?" Karma said.

I twiddle my fingers at my desk. It's been since September since I've talked to her. 7 months, exactly.

"I know. I think she'll talk with me soon."

I'm lying to myself.

To be honest I'd be lying to say I didnt feel pathetic right now either.

For 7 months everyday day I came, wondering if today was the day that it would happen. She still talked to me on occasion, of course, we are classmates.

I sighed and looked the plain old wood of my desk.

She always kept her distance from me. Never giving us a chance to speak alone.

You could say that I felt heartbroken, and that wouldn't be a lie. But really what did you expect? Me to have a happy ending? To have something more than a bittersweet ending?

I smiled and looked up to Karma who was sitting on the floor of my room, looking through an old issue of a magazine.

"Hey, Karma, you still speak with Kaede right?"

"Well, yeah. What about it, you never ask." He quickly glanced up before smiling and returning to the magazine. "I thought you wanted to respect her boundaries."

I cringed. "Well, I do but I'm a bit curious. I can wait but-"

"I understand, you dont have to come up with an excuse."

"I mean I wasn't-"

"Whatever, you want to know or now?"

I nodded, clenching my fist in some sort of impatience.

"Well, I can safely say she misses you. Probably just as much as you miss her. Kayano also picked up a hobby, she's in theater. Honestly, she has natural talent, if could take her far." He flipped the page. "That's about it. Just know she will talk to you again."

I smiled and rested my head on the desk. I was relieved.


It was Sunday afternoon, sunny and a wonderful day to go to the park for a walk. All around me were people taking advantage of the day. I sit at a bench, closing my eyes.

"Having fun?"

I looked up and to my surprise it's the loveliest person I've meet, Kaede herself.

"Um, yeah. As you can see in having my own little party." I smiled, nervously. "You wanna sit down or are you just passing by?"

She hummed. "I'll take a seat, why not?I have some things I need to tell you."

I scooted over, giving proper space between us, that of classmates. She scoots a little closer, that of a friend.

"So, Nagisa, have you been good? Probably, you must be good at adapting." She says. "Personally I'm doing okay. I miss you a lot-actually, that's what I'm here to talk about."

I huffed and twiddled my fingers, she was charming.

"I think I'm ready to have you in my life again. In the platonic and eventually romantic way." She paused. "I mean, if you are."

I looked up, this is it. This is such a great day. Its finally time.

"Uh, Nagisa-"

"-I'd like to be friends again, eventually romantic with you." I said quickly

She sighed. "Oh, what a relief. That would've been awkward if not."

We paused before laughing, oh how weird. You'd think this was going to be weird and dramatic, but not much... well perhaps a bit weird.

"Hey, Kaede, I have to tell you something."


"I like you, a lot."

"Me too."

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