Chapter 18: Floof

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A/N- I've realized I already had a chapter called 'Alone'


"I'll see you in a few days." Miki waved goodbye as the train came to a halt.

I nodded and proceeded to walk towards the doors. "You too."

Karma and Yui waved bye, Karma smiling nonchalantly as usual.

"Try not to die, Miki." I say as the doors close.

Miki stifles a giggle and waves one last time.

Now it was just me and Kaede. In a quite train, for about 12 hours, not including the time for stops.

"We should go sit down." Kaede says and heads off to find seats.

I watch her walk off before I fully process what she said. "O-oh right."

I catch up to her and we take a seat next to each other. She got the window seat for being the first one their.

Now, to sit and try not to fall asleep. Which was gonna happen probably. There's no way two people can keep each other entertained for more then a few hours, let alone 12.

After a few minutes we both found our own ways of being entertained. Not really talking but it wasn't awkward.

She was happily scrolling through social media with earbuds, as for me, I was reading 'Son Of a Seriel Killer' with the chit chatting of other people on the train as a background.

The book was still kinda meh. Well as meh as you can get with a thriller.

I read on and on as the first hour passed by, not paying too much attention to Kaede who was getting bored of the explore page.

I stopped reading. What was the reason of me coming along if I was just gonna be reading the whole time?

She probably thinks I'm being rude.

Quiet and rude.

"So what's so great about that one?" I said painting at the icon on her phone.

She seemed to be taken by surpirse. "W-well, it's hard to explain. But I guess you can call it a place where you can see almost anything you want. Your favorite artists, musicians, writers, vloggers, companies, celebrities, etc..."

"Oh, that's cool." I paused. "How many followers do you have?"

She sat back and thought. "... a little over 2k."

... huh?

"O-over 2k? Your pretty famous aren't you?"

"Well, kinda, kinda not. I mean, people follow me, but not enough for me to be known like others."

I looked forwards and sat back on the seat. "But that's a lot of people."

Kaede giggled. "There are people with millions of followers. Don't think that 2k is a lot."

"Well I wouldn't know if it's a lot or not, if you hadn't told me. I don't spend as much time as you do on it."

"... right. Your more of a book person that a social media person."

"Yeah. But I'm not always reading. It's just I'm too lazy that I have social media and forget to check it... a lot." I say sheepishly.

"I get it. Real life priorities come before social media. You must be a busy person with Miki."

I put up my hands in defense immediately. "It's not Miki, no, I just get carried away with thoughts. And yes four out of 10 times I'm busy with something Miki realated, but the other 6 out of 10 is just me thinking and or problems I have."

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