Chapter 20: Kitty Cats

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It was sunny, hot, and a little sticky outside. You know, normal summer weather.

Kaede dragged me around the city, showing me as much as she could in one go. It was even 11 when my legs were about to give out. But Kaede...

"What? You're tired already?! Come on, Nagisa, you gotta keep going, it's not even lunch time yet."

I looked at the green haired girl. "Actually lunch time starts at 11 to 12. So yes, it is lunch time."

Kaede grumbled something that I couldn't quite decipher, but nevertheless, she said we would go get something quick.

Kaede tightened her grip on my hand as she dragged me to a close by restaurant. "After lunch were going to keep going-"

"-Before dinner." I cut her off as we entered.

She stopped and looked at me, a hint of annoyance in her stare. "Yes, before dinner."

I nodded with an ignorant smile. "Okay, now let's go find a place to sit."

Kaede nodded back. "Right."

She looked around the spacious area. We hadn't really looked at were we entered so trying to find out as much as possible of the place was the priority.

It was rather cutesy and had a little cat by the cash register sleeping in a little basket. I wasn't sure if it was real or not.

"Lets go." I walked past Kaede and the to the cashier, who was a a girl about our age with light purple hair.

"Hello hello, what would you guys like?" She asked.

I looked at the chalkboard on the wall behind her. What would be good right now? An egg sandwich? Maybe a chocolate muffin? Or a slice of cherry pie? Decisions, decisions...

"I'll have a slice of cherry pie and... And an apple juice." I said quietly as my eyes drifted to Kaede. "And you?"

Kaede glanced quickly at me before smiling at the girl. "I would like chocolate muffin and, uh, green tea, with sugar."

She smiled and nodded. "Alrighty, that'll be 1,104¥."

I quickly paid, guessing that Kaede didn't want to, but then again, who ever wants to pay.

"Okay, you guys can go sit down, I'll bring it to ya."

We nodded and went to a table in the corner by the big window.

We didn't talk much. Kaede was spaced out and I was staring at the cat. I was now fully convinced that it was real, mostly because it was walking around rubbing up against people.

"Kitty..." I smiled to myself as it walked towards our table.

I leaned down and began to pet him/her. It was soft and fluffy, black and white with a little bit of gray.

"Aren't you a cute little thing?" I continued to fawn over it. "Kaede, look at that cat."

She quickly glanced over and a smile spread across her face at the sight. " Awh! What a pretty kitty." She chirped.

I smiled as the cat nuzzled against my hand before it left to others.

"It really is a pretty kitty." I turned my head towards Kaede.

I had no reason to do so, I had no conversation starters but lucky me she was the social one of the pair.

"Nagisa, do you like cats? And I mean all cats, even black cats."

I raised an eyebrow but the same smile on my face. "Of course, but why would I exclude black cats?"

"Because, didn't you know? Apparently black cats are bad luck."

"Really?" I tilted my head. "But I think black cats are the cutest. Not to sound biased but I prefer them over ginger kitty's."

She giggled. "But isn't preferring one over the other the meaning of biased?"

"Okay fine, I'm biased towards black kitty cats."

Before Kaede respond the girl from the register came with our orders, the wonderful smell of apple pie filled my nose as she set it down infront of me.

"Here ya go, hope you two enjoy." She smiled and walked away from the table.

"Thank you!" Both me and Kaede responded.

We looked over at each other.

"Why do you like black cats more then other cats?" Kaede said in a hushed voice.

I shrugged. "I dunno. They're pretty? Do I really have to have a reason?"

"I guess you don't have to have a reason, but there's reasons for everything." She waved her drink around.

I looked down at my pie, which had a few apple pieces on the side.

"You're right on that, there's always a reason for everything..." I frowned for a mere second before looking up to her again. "Now let's eat."

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