Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

( Months before )

Before I knew it, I was at school. I grabbed my heavy bag and waited to get off the bus.

" Hey Eva!" Ashley waved from the aisle-way. I waved back, looking at her shirt. It reminded me of Elizabeth's horses. I worked at Elizabeth's every Saturday in exchange for lessons, it was the best decision I had made in my entire life. It was like heaven, I got to be around horses and fellow horse people.

Dazing, I found myself off the bus and standing near the entrance door.

I looked around. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me say " Boo" I jumped, slowly raising my fist, punching the person behind me as a defense. I slowly turned around, embarrassed. As I suspected it was Selena.

" Sorry." I squealed, not being able to prevent a little giggle from escaping my lips.

" Don't worry about it, how was your weekend?" she asked, giggling but rubbing her arm from the pain. She wore a navy blue coat and her beautiful, long black hair in a braid.

"Okay, I guess. Same as always" I said with no tone in my voice, almost as if I was sad but I wasn't. "So, how was yours, did you get to go trail ridding?"

"Ya,it was so fun, we got to lope in an empty corn field!" her smile widened. I was happy for her. Selena and I continued our discussion, until we heard the obnoxious bell ring, letting all students know it was now time to get to class.

*****************************************Unlike yesterday, the day seemed to take FOREVER. It felt as if the clock stop working after every 5 minutes.

Being tired from not getting enough sleep last night, I continuously started to fall asleep. My eyes were filled with a burning sensation and every time they closed, it was as if they had been dipped in glue, making it a struggle to open them again. Without realizing it, I had fallen asleep.

A loud bell sounded in my ears. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see a short blonde standing before me- my teacher. She crossed her arms that were wrapped in the blue sleeves of her hoodie.

" Eva, falling asleep during class ,I'm disappointed in you, you should know better" She said with the meanest tone I've ever heard her speak to me with.

" I'm sorry Meme. I promise it won't happen again"

"It better not or you will be in big trouble miss," she replied " Now go get your lunch"

I moved quickly, pushing my chair into the little space between the legs of the table. A quickly made my way to the cafeteria.


Author's note

Hey guys, please don't stop reading because chapter 1 wasn't good, I just wanted to introduce the characters, chapter 2 is going to be waayyy better. Thanks please comment!!! Again the other chapters are going to be better. Thanks to all of you who read it and don't be scared to tell me anything.

A wild dream (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now