Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I held the short yet corse pocket knife, rubbing 'her ' blood on my leg.

I felled my earlier food start to come up but I quickly swallowed it. My hand started to shake, it shook to the point that there was no way unnoticeable. I hesitated, bringing the knife to my wrist but bringing it back to my leg again.

She looked at me, waiting for me to go on with it.

I glanced down and regretfully brought it to my wrist.

I skimped my small left wrist, not able to deal with the thought of it entering in my skin.

I closed my eyes and slowly added pressure, feeling the pain every inch it got deeper.

I felled it break through the skin and entered the inside. I closed my eyes even tighter, almost whimpering from the worse pain.

I slowly slide it to the end of my wrist, careful not to get hit a vein. I pulled it out, felling the tension release. I opened my eyes hesitating to even look at it.

I silently gagged and rubbed my blood on my pants before handing the pocket knife back to her.

She could tell it was hard.

" Thanks, you did great for your first time. But don't worry, it always kills the first time, so much that you just want to scream and get it over as quick as possible but eventually the pain will numb away. And next time I suggest you keep your eyes open, you went a bit too deep." she giggled, placing the knife back in her pocket.

I uncomfortably giggled. There was going to be a next time?!

I looked down, disgusted, watching the blood escape my wrist.

" I'm Faith by the way." she said going to shake my hand.

I wailed, from the tremendous pain that filled my palm.

" I'm Eva." I said switching hands and shaking hers with the right. She had cut both of her wrist but me only one and I was planing on keeping it that way, that was enough for... well ever!

" And that's Olivia." she said pointing to a blonde.

" That's Hope." she said pointing to a innocent looking girl, she looked a bit geeky and wore big black glasses, she sat in a corner, alone. She continuously shook.

" Is she ok?" I whispered.

" Ya, she's just been through a lot and it really effected her." she explained quietly.

" And that's Alyssa. Now don't ever get in her bad side or talk to her when it's ' that time' she will kill you, trust me I learned the hard way." she said trying to show me a bruise on her arm but it was hard to see with all her tattoos, they covered her arms all the way to her neck and her black tang top let you see all of them.

I frowned and searched closer, trying to see the bruise.

" Ouu, who's that?" I teased, pointing at the tattoo with a heart and a name that read ' Chad'.

" Oh that." she started covering the tattoo.

" Yep." I said thinking she would answer.

She sat there silent for a moment and then silently started to speak.

" Chad was my ex, I loved him very much considering he was a badass, he loved me too but said he would love me even more if I was bad like him. So my personality changed. Then he said I would look even more beautiful if I got piercings and again I did. He slowly started to change my appearance in a huge way, I ended up getting my arms full of tattoos, I dyed my hair pink and shaved the side off." she paused. Her eyes getting watery.

" I was no longer the nice straight A student, it had gotten out of control. It was to the point were..." she stuttered.

" Were he killed someone, he had quickly ran off and I was brought in as a suspect, no one believed me judging by my appearance. I got thrown in the dump of a juvenile hall and Chad didn't once come to check on me, and the one time he did, he had brought another girl. The pain was so big, he had got me into this mess and didn't bother to get me out. I had only done that to please him and make him love me even more. And that's where I met Alyssa, we were friends at first and she helped me get through it, she was the one that brought me to cut myself and now it's kind of an addiction."

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. The only words that could come out of my mouth was.

" Wow." I said, my eyes fixed on the other side of the room, to Alyssa that was too busy cutting her self to notice me.

Faith might have seemed like a bad person but I knew that deep down she had a great heart and she was just under a spell from that Chad and was willing to do anything, he was controlling her, changing her personality, appearance, changing who she was and she didn't notice it until it was too late.

She went in her pocket and grabbed the knife.

" Don't." I soothingly said pushing the knife away, I grabbed the knife and brought her in a hug.

" Don't, you don't deserve this, he has changed you enough and he doesn't deserve you to cut yourself for him." I whispered, feeling my shirt getting wet from her tears.

Authors note

Hope you like, poor Faith and Eva and such a long day for Eva and its her birthday for crying out loud!! poor girl!! please vote and comment, I want to here what u think, if your reading and I'm not following,sometimes I can't see your comments so please message me on the message board or inbox me that your reading please , I might still see it. Thanks again.


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