Chapter 61: Through The Glass

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It looked like any normal looking glass. It was taller of course and of an odd shape. But overall the artifact looked exactly like every mirror Nicolynn had ever seen. "Come now, follow me. When this is all over, I will come and get you." Keiran tells them. He waves his hands in a sort o crossing manner, then the glass glows a mysterious blue and gives a loud ringing. The sound is constant and only gets louder the harder they struggle to keep it from their ears. Anthony steps forward, towards the older mage. "If our parents survive." He affirms though he already knows that this is a fact. He is uncertain that they will live. If they do, what sort of life will they have?

His little sister is strapped to his chest in the cozy contraption Bianca invented. She looks up at her brother wide eyed and babbling as he rocks side to side, attempting to keep her from screaming as she had earlier. Nicolynn had passed Torrance to his cousins only moments before Keiran came for them. Now he is in the arms of a fierce looking Chandler. Nicolynn hadn't pegged her for that type but she looks like she might actually have fight in her. Her tightly curled hair hangs around her cheeks as she looks on, curious about the eluvian. Bellamy stands nearby, his hand poised on top of his sword. Anthony thinks that the young man could not look less like his father in this moment. 

Olive and Camille wail for attention that cannot be afforded them at the moment. Their siblings attempt to coo them softly into a calm but nothing works. They want for parents that have ceased to exist. Claude is the only guardian figure they have. Philippe, though present currently, has no interest in them. Pierre is too young to care for them on his own. And Julien, he is unaware of entirely what is going on. His recent studies have led him astray from seeing the dangers of the foe they face. 

The Montilyets stand in a small bundle, conversing amongst one another. Nicolynn watches them as Claude appears to tell Philippe to pull his head out of his butt and help her with their siblings. There is a brief look of sympathy and regret stricken across his face as he looks on his twin sister. But then it is gone and she stomps away. Tavvy pulls on Nicolynn's long, dark hair and the girl flinches. The dwarf baby is strapped securely to the elf's back. Nicolynn put her hair in a bun, knowing the child would try to pull it all out. It seems her contingency plan didn't even work out. 

The little one has grown so big, Nicolynn would guess she must be nearing her first birthday now. But then again, she was not familiar with the adolescent grow of dwarf children. Mythalus sticks close to his sisters side and she runs her fine hand over the curls of his hair that their mother had cut only yesterday. Yesterday. Hours ago when such chaos was all but known to them. 

Keiran looks at Anthony, trying to find a way to  address his comment as the room falls silent. "Yes. If they survive. But, Anthony, your parents defeated Corypheus and the Arch Demon with the help of the Inquisitor. If they can do that, then they can do this. Do you understand?" Keiran tries to raise his spirits with a small smile. The child only looks away and down at the ground. Keiran goes about directing other children as Solas had directed Nicolynn, Mythalus, and Anthony days ago. It had been almost a month since they first spoke of the plan, giving them hope that they could get their lives back. Solas wanted them to be prepared though. 

There was, however, something more pressing on Anthony's mind. He stroke's his infant sister's white blond locks as she burrows into his chest, becoming more tired by the second. He fears that she may erupt into tears and wails at any moment. He packed all of the things she would need. Food, diapers, new clothes, water, her blanket. In gathering all of these things, he forgot his own sword. He notices also that Nicolynn has not brought hers. They are defenseless His eyes meet Mythalus and he sighs. Not entirely defenseless. 

But this matter is only part of what concerns him. The other, more urgent thought on his mind is one his mother had told him not to express. He feels the need to tell her anyway. He knows he cannot hold it in. What if their parents die? What if Skyhold is destroyed? What if the eluvian is destroyed and they are stuck on the other side forever? What if they are killed in this mess? she will never know. She will know how she feels but she will never hear the words from his mouth. His mother told him that it was a very mature fear for him to have and in truth he did not fully understand what that meat. But still he knows he must tell Nicolynn this before they go through the eluvian, before everything could change, before anything can be destroyed. 

The sound of Keiran lecturing the others in the background fills his ears. He merely looks to the bright eyed elf at his side. "I-I need to tell you something, Lynn." He whispers to her. Nicolynn tilts her head, slightly confused and sees the struggling expression on his face. She pats Mythalus on the shoulder and he releases her, watching as she and Anthony step aside. Anthony takes her in a tight embrace and she does not hesitate in hugging him back. She knows not what his concerns are but clearly they have gripped him tighter than he lets on. "Lynn, we are friends, best friends. We have been since we were little, Sissy's size." He pats the newest Pentaghasts back as he parts from their hug. "And friends love friends. Nicolynn, I love you. Like a friend loves a friend." He tells her, his eyes searching her face for any recognition. 

Then her lips break into a smile and she throws her arms around him again. He relaxes immediately and feels the blush creep onto his face. "And I love you, Anthony." She whispers to him, right in his ear. "Like a friend loves a friend." She comes away from him and they walk hand in hand back toward the group. Keiran eyes them for a moment. A loud crashing noise sounds in the courtyard, not far away. Then the King appears in the doorway. His face is grim. Keiran looks to him and immediately understands the severity. 

"You must get them through now. We cannot wait for Cole any longer. They must go on their own." Alistair tells his son. "Father, we cannot seal them in there without someone to guide them. They could be attacked. We know not what lies on the other side of the eluvian." Alistair knows his son means well but know is not the time for this argument. That don't have time. "Would you rather they face certain death here? Or have a chance at life there?" The King asks Keiran sternly. The boy turns, angrily, despising the idea. He puts his had through the portal, opening it and stands to the side. He steps out of the way and urges them on. Anthony steps first through the glass. 

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