1. Your Beautiful

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I was walking in bare foot and was carrying my 3 inches stiletto. My college graduation ceremony has just finished, so I was looking for my dad. Aimlessly and exhausted.

I just wanted to go home that day.

My feet hurts for standing and walking in those stilettos, plus my right foot was sprained a week prior that day. My back hurts and I was having a very uncomfortable feeling because of my menstruation and a boil wound on my lower right quadrant of my abdomen. All I felt was pain.

As I looked around, grasping for my breath, I suddenly smiled.

I saw your face.

You see, it was so crowded in PICC, the place was packed of people wearing the same Toga and same color, it was a graduation ceremony after all. But still, I saw you, then all the pain went away.

Soon I realized that, it wasnt a bad day after all. The weather was perfect that day, the colors of the buildings gave life to the place and the chandelier illuminates the whole place. It was so beautiful. And when I saw you in the middle of the crowd. Within seconds, everything went to blurr, suddenly the world shifted into a candlelight-like brightness, only colors with no shapes, and everything sparkles like flare as you stand in the middle of my sight.

Everything turns into a beautiful faded sight then I realized, there is nothing more beautiful in this world
but you.

I walked towards your direction, as I get nearer and nearer, I saw you smiling from ear to ear,

I felt my heart aching and it saddens me.

I stopped walking and stood there, 10 feet away from you. I was so focus on you that I didn't realized that you were with HER. I just stood there while looking at you .. smiling with her.

You started walking towards my direction, I wanted to say hi and say congratulations for your brothers graduation. I stared at you, I kept looking at your eyes, hoping you will caught my eye, But you didn't saw me. You walked pass through where I was standing, you didn't notice me. Suddenly all the pain came back all at once, I felt something in my throat, there was a sting feeling in my sinus and my eyes was burning.

I realized, my tears was falling,  and my make up was running down my face

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I realized, my tears was falling, and my make up was running down my face. I looked so pathetic. I wanted to call out your name, but I didn't. I wanted to run towards you, but I didnt. As you gathered with your family, she is the one beside you.

As I wiped my tears and snot with my bare hands, I thought,

"It could've been amazing if that was me".

I wanted to tell you that I'm in love with you from the first moment I saw you, but I didn't.

I wanted to tell you that I have been secretly loving you from all those years, from when we were in high school until then, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't.

I was weak. Mostly scared. Cause I know, I dont deserve you and you will never learn to love me. I will never be with you. I know, this sounds like an excuse for me to not to confess my feelings. But in fact,

I did told you that "I Love You" ... TWICE.

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