10. My Second "I Love You"

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It was in August, I was a sophomore in college and You suddenly told me that your girlfriend broke up with you.
I felt delighted, I don't want to lie to myself, I don't want to pretend like it wasn't the best day of my life but seeing you cried a river for her made me felt more pain than happiness.

I didn't felt pain because I symphatize your pain, I felt pain because I envied her

You must have love her so much for you to be broken like that. I was deep in thought that I didn't realized, I murmured,

"If only I was her, I would never hurt you"

You looked wrecked but at least you've calmed down. I stood up and went to the counter to get a refill in your coffee, when I came back to our seats, you weren't there. I looked around and saw you outside the coffee shop. I approached you

"do you want to talk about it somewhere else?" I said

"let's sing our lungs out!!" you said while forcing a smile

We went to a karaoke booth, We were there for two and half hour, we ordered food and sang various of songs. You sang sad love songs and because you were on the verge of crying while singing, it was depressing! So I sang upbeat songs, songs that you can dance with, just to change the mood, to make it less depressing. You would laugh at my singing voice and you would frown when you sing. You were ambivalent. As we went out from the karaoke booth, we won't stop laughing

"I thought you don't know how to sing" you said while laughing

"I didn't, you just forced me to sing" I said while laughing

"It's late we should go home" you said, you revert your eyes down and looked sad

"you can talk to me, you know that right?" I said calmly. I was so sad that you were sad, If I could take all your sadness away, I would.

"then .. lets go somewhere quiet"

you said and smiled. We went to the man-made pond at the outskirt of the mall, there were yellow christmas lights on the big umbrellas and a candle on the table, and we sat across each other. Then you explained everything.

"she was jealous" you said.

You talked calmy, with your eyes steadily looking at me. While explaining the situation, I have realized that she broke up with you bacause of something confusing,
It's because of me.

Little did I know that she's been jealous for months bacause of our friendship and then she snapped when you she discovered that you lied to her about accompanying  me on a sunday. And the reason why you been avoiding me, was that, you thought when you ended our friendship that she would fix things up with you, but she ignored you the way you ignored me.

"but why did you lie?" I said

"I didn't lie, I said I was helping a friend, I just forgot to mention that it was you because if I told her it was you she won't allow me to come" You said, with a very defensive tone

"you were the one who is wrong here but Why is she even jealous?" I said, though I already have a hunch on why,

"it was crazy really," you said while laughing, then you looked at me deep and you said

"Majesty thinks you're in love with me"

I was PARALYZED ... My hunch was right, Girls are really amazing and they have some freaky instincts. I was shocked that I was unable to speak, I can't confess my love for you and I wasn't  planning to. It would be the end, So when I'm about to deny it, you suddenly laughed and said

"hahaha! I know right!? It's crazy! As if you will love me! that's totally impossible! Maj was just being crazy! Hahaha! You ... Love me? It's so funny!"

I was like What!? Whats so funny about it!? I was offended! I was provoked and angered! I was going to deny my feelings but I was so triggered about what and how you said it, then I blurted out

"is it that impossible for me to fall in love with you?"

"what?" you asked

"I said, is it impossible or so suprising that I love you?" I said

my tears fell down, you were quiet and from the looks of it, I took you by suprised but I cannot take back my words, and I continued

"cause I do love you,
I love you Arcy"

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