8. Closure and Closer

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Summer class started, I haven't seen you since then. The University has 5 buildings and every building is upto 6th floors and every floor has 10 rooms, so I knew I wont see you unless I looked for you.

I didn't care much cause maybe I'm still hurt but I don't have time to sulk or complain cause in the first place, we were nothing, I don't even know if we're friends or what really am I to you.

Summer came and go then it was June. It was raining on saturday, I was in the taxi with my friends on the way to the mall.

"Oh My God!!" Camille said while looking at her phone and she looked shocked as we were too. I turned around cause I was in the front seat and asked "what?"

The four of them stared at Camille's phone. "what is it!? show it to me!!!" I said. Camille puts her phone screen in front of my face.

You texted Camille, we were all shocked about how did you get her number, and thought "how much of a stalker are you?"

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You texted Camille, we were all shocked about how did you get her number, and thought "how much of a stalker are you?".
I started laughing and felt happy as if i was never hurt.

"what are you gonna do Janina?" Leila said while sniggering.

"Just ignore the bitch" Riza said while in blank face.

I took camilles phone then took your number and texted you personally.

We started texting everyday and it made me really happy, but everytime I felt happiness your girlfriend's face pops in my head and my chest felt a sharp stabbing pain

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We started texting everyday and it made me really happy, but everytime I felt happiness your girlfriend's face pops in my head and my chest felt a sharp stabbing pain. I want closure, I want to start over, if you want to be friends lets be friends, I can do that. Though I love you but I know the only way to be close to you was to be friends.

It was monday on june, you asked me what time was my lunch break was and luckily it was the same with yours so we made plans for lunch. Riza was jealous but it was my first lunch with you so I cuddled Riza to cut me some slack and she said while having a bitter-face "walang forever" which means "nothing last forever".

Finally it was lunch, I went inside McDonald's and saw you there sitting, your phone was on your hand and you were smiling, and I thought "I bet thats majest".

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