5. Fated encounter

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Months turns to years, in a blink of an eye, I was in college. I was enrolled to the nearest University, so that everyday won't be so hassle. I was a Medical technology student short for Medtech. Classes started on June, I made a lot friends and I was just a typical college student.

It was august, the weather was beautiful, it was monday and noon. I was standing at the waiting shed, wearing my black ripped jeans and my rainbow colored shirt, smoking menthol marlboro, listening to Air supply's greatest hits ..

🎶 "Here I am
The one that you love
Askin' for another day
Understand the one that you love
Loves you in so many ways" 🎶

As I mumble the lyrics and spacing out by the scenery. Suddenly everything was slow, I looked up into a hazy view and everything went quiet as if the sound were blocked and all I can hear was my heart beating. You were walking passed right at me, you were there in front of me, walking across from where I stand.

I saw you

My eyes were glued to you, a part of me thought that maybe I'm just dreaming, I wasn't sure what I saw. In that few seconds you were there then all the sounds came all at once and everything was clear. And you were gone.

I told my friends, Joey and Camille, that maybe I saw my first love but I wasn't sure because your hair was longer and your not on uniform.

"oh oh .. Since she was your first love, did you fall in love just by seeing her again?" Camille said while grinning and Joey was nodding and I was like

"What!?? No!! I hate her!"

They were smirking and kept on teasing. "okay if you say so!" Camille said. Seriously though, I don't have feeling for you anymore, I was just curious, thats all, and because of this curiosity, I waited for you, every monday at noon on that same waiting shed for more than a month. But I never saw you again, maybe that wasn't you, maybe I was dreaming or confused you with somebody else.

Then October came, I'm with Camille and Joey, we're in the line to pay for tuition for the 2nd semester. The line was so long, we've been in the que for 30 minutes and still we have a long way to go.

My friends liked observing other people then insult them for fun, Camille is a bully and Joey will mostly laugh and agree and I would provide some weird commentary on Camille's insult or joke. Then camille said "look at that hottie, Janina that's your type right?"

I looked up and said "where?" Camille pointed at your direction.

I looked up and said "where?" Camille pointed at your direction

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"what the! .. That's Arcy!" so I wasn't imagining things, we were both going to the same university. You were walking down the stairs coming from the builing in front of us, you were with a middle-aged lady, maybe it was your mom or aunt. You were wearing white loose pants, black shirt and your hair was fixed up like in a pony tail.

"YOW JANINA!! You're staring at her! Is it love?" Camille said.

"no, I just thought she's pretty" I replied calmly, and you were walking towards the exit gate. Camille kept asking me lots of question but I wasn't speaking.

Again, my eyes were glued to you, I'm so curious about a lot of things, about what course were you taking?, what year were you in? who was that woman with you? do you have a girlfriend? or do you ever think of me?

I saw you, but you didn't saw me. Was that a fated encounter or just coincidence. Then I realized, "Wait what!??" What was I just thinking? I hated you! But why was my mind filled with thoughts of you. Is it true that first love never dies?

Does this mean that I still love you? No! It was just a crush, a simple crush, cause you see, you are pretty and not having a crush on you was impossible to begin with. It was an admiration nothing more. I can't risk falling in love. I have made a promise that I won't make the same mistake again.

Having a crush on you isn't that bad ... Right?

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