Ch5 ~ I'm Glad

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Ch5 ~ I'm Glad


I grab something to eat and get back to my room. It's almost been five hours since I started to study and I have yet to complete three more assignments. And I'm feeling drowsy already. I sit down at the desk and take a bite out of the apple in my hand.

After a minute or so mom comes into my room and asks me for the second time if I want to have dinner."I'll heat the food up. Just have something."

"I'm fine mom. And I have loads of work. Skipping a single meal won't hurt me."

"Fine. I'll be in my room." She kisses me on the cheek.

"Okay." I say.

After she leaves, I look at the wall clock, it shows that it is seven thirty. I think I should take a nap, since I'm not able to concentrate and I have enough time to finish the work at hand.

I finish the apple and lay down on my bed and set the alarm for half an hour.

And when I wake, it's not to the sound of the alarm but to the sound of my cell ringing. Just as I open my eyes my cell stops ringing. I check the time and bolt right up. The hour hand is at ten.

This is something I hate. I set an alarm but I don't get up when it rings because I am a very heavy sleeper. And because of this I have had a lot of trouble in past too. There was this one time when I was in elementary school and we'd gone on this trip. We had to be ready at sharp seven and I'd set the alarm for six. But when I get up its five minutes to seven. And I realise that in-spite of the alarm I had slept in. And then you can imagine what happened with me.

I check my cell phone and find a missed called from an unknown number. Then I realise that Noah must have called me. I almost panic at this thought, but then my phone rings again.

I take a deep breath and answer it. "Hello."

"Hi." I can tell by the voice that its him.

"Hi Noah."

"So you recognise my voice huh?" I can sense the amusement in his voice.

"I made a guess." I lie.

"Don't lie." He says and I chuckle." So what are you doing? And sorry that I'm calling at his hour I was a little busy earlier."

"No problem." At least you called, I want to add but I don't."And I was studying earlier but I fell asleep. And I didn't get up to the sound of the alarm." He laughs. "Don't laugh like that. What were you doing?"

"I was missing you. And that's why I called you." And this time I start laughing.

"You're so funny Noah." I add in between of my giggles.

"I'm serious ." He says and then we're silent for a few seconds."I'm just kidding." He says and then I giggle again."Why are you so giggly?"

I laugh again, more like giggle again."I don't know. You tell me. Do you have this effect on every girl? Or is it just me?"

"I don't know about the other girls but I'm glad that I have this effect on you. I'm glad that I have any sort of effect on you."

We're silent for a moment and I run a hand through my hair waiting for him to say something.

I change the subject ."So tell me something about yourself."

"What do you want to know about me?"

"Why did you shift to this town?" I ask him the first thing that comes to my mind.

"My dad got a promotion and a transfer. So yeah that's pretty much why." He replies.

"Oh and where were you living earlier. I mean which town or city were you living in?"

"Are we playing 20 questions?" He asks."Because then it's my turn to ask you a question."

"We're not but we could."

"Okay. So my question is, do you want to go out with me this weekend?"

"Like on a date?" I can't help but ask him that. I sit up straight.

"Yes. Like on a date. I mean you can say no if you think it's too soon."

"No I would love to go on a date with you. This Saturday then?"

"Yeah sure. I'll pick you up at six. You fine with that?"

"Absolutely." I say.

"So see you at school tomorrow ?" He asks politely.

"Yeah see you tomorrow." I say and then end the call. I keep my phone on the night-stand and lay down again and bury my face which is plastered with a smile in my pillow. I sigh at the thought of Noah and our upcoming date. I'm going to date a guy after such a long time.

And I feel relieved at this thought because I had almost started thinking that I would die single. Like surrounded by a hundred cats.

I think that I'm finally getting over Aaron and I hope that it's a good thing. Because I can't bare with the fact of forgetting Aaron. But when I think again I realize that I can never forget him. But getting over him and moving on is a whole other thing, and it's the healthy thing to do.


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