Ch4 ~ Be Yourself

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Ch4 ~ Be Yourself


I call Natalie that night before going to bed. "I told you so." She exclaims."And now I want my ten bucks."

"Okay fine. But can you just tone it down a bit? I'm going deaf this side."

"Whatever. Anyway. Do you like him? Like even a little bit." I can sense the amusement in her voice.

"I think so." I shrug." I mean he seems like a nice guy."

"Okay so you more than like him." I can feel her smiling at the other end.

"No. I don't." I smile.

"Yes you do. And don't say you don't because that will just make it more obvious." She adds quickly." So why did you call me? You want some advice?"

"Yes my dear best friend. I need some."

She's silent for a moment. And just when I think that she must have hung up, she says."Just be yourself and he'll love you Jess."

I smile at her words.

And then I'm back to ground zero."Yeah right." Like Aaron loved me for being me, I am almost about to add. But I stop myself before I do, because I don't want to spoil Nat's mood.

I seriously need to stop thinking of Aaron.

"And yes. You've gotta stop thinking of Aaron every time ."

"What? Did I just say all that?" I ask her.

"No you didn't . But I know what you're thinking. I love you for being yourself. So just don't stress out and get some sleep."

"I love you too Nat. And good night. See you tomorrow. You still picking me up?"

"Yeah sure. Bye."

"Bye." I end the call and keep the cell on the night stand. I get under the covers and close my eyes and try to block out every thing for a moment. And then this eerie silence fills up my room and I'm just so tired that I fall right to sleep.


I get out of history class and head for the English class. Nat's already in class talking to Noah standing near the entrance. "Hi." She says as soon as she sees me. And when Noah isn't looking she winks.

"Hi." Noah looks at me and I can't help but blush at the thought of our conversation at the grocery store.

"Hi there." He smiles. And looks me in the eye.

"Hi." I say again.

"Hi." He says again.

And then Nat burst's out laughing.

We both look at her."What?" I ask her.

"What's so funny?" Noah asks just as confused as I am. But she keeps on laughing. I look around but fortunately no one is looking at us.

"Way to go guys." She pats both of us on the back and heads for our usual seat.

I look at him."Don't mind her. I'll talk to you later." I say as Ms. McCarley enters the class and I take my place beside Nat.

I am too busy throughout the class taking notes to spare a glance to anyone, but I do sneak a look at Noah but he too is busy writing down the notes.

When the class gets over I walk over to my locker with Nat and after that we head for the parking lot.

But to my delight Noah catches up to us in the hallway. "Hey. Can I talk to you for a second Jesse?" He asks.

"Yeah. Sure." I say.

"I think I forgot the car keys in my locker. I'll be back in a minute. Meet you near the car." Nat says out of the blue. And before I can remind her that she put the key in her bag she heads back to her locker.

I turn to face him."So you were saying something?" I ask him.

He raises an eyebrow."Yeah. So what are doing today after school?" He asks and opens the school door for me as we head for Nat's car.

"Oh nothing special. I'll be trying to complete the assignments I got today. I've got a lot of them, so it might take sometime. Why?"

"Oh. I was just wondering." By this time we're standing near the car. But he doesn't say anything and we stand in silence till Nat arrives and seats herself in the driver's seat, but not before whispering to us,"Take your time."

"I better get going." I shift the books I am holding in my right hand to my left, waiting for him to say something. But when he doesn't, I make my way to the car's passenger side door.

Right before I get in, he calls my name."Hey Jesse."

"Yeah?" I ask him with my hand on the handle.

"Do you mind giving me your number?" He asks.

I am too stunned to say anything for a moment. But then I smile. "Not at all." I say. He takes out his cell and hands it to me. I save my number in his cell and hand it back to him. And while doing so my hand brushes with his lightly. And that has me feeling nervous. "Bye." I mutter.

"Bye." He says with a smile."I'll call you later." I nod and get inside the car and wave to him.

But it's not before we're outside the school that I get a good grip on what just happened, and I can't help but laugh nervously. Nat looks at me from the corner of her eyes and smiles.

And I can't wait for him to call me already.


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