Ch 7 ~ Hope

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Hey people,

Here you go with the next chapter. And I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors or typos. They're like inevitable while typing.

Ch7 ~ Hope


"Noah it does not have to be anything too big. I wanna go on a classic teen date. You know watch a movie. Have dinner at a diner or someplace." Yes that rhymed. "Nothing too special. I mean it's our first date. What if you do something too good for me and then you don't like me and then we don't last long and then you regret it?" I tell him as we head away from my home.

"First of all," he looks at me. "I like you. Secondly I know this is going to last. Well I want it to last. And I would never regret doing something for you." He smiles. "And even though I had something in mind, I'll save it for later and we can watch a movie tonight. If that's what you want, then that's what I want."

"Okay. I would love that." I heave a sigh of relief because to be true I'm not very good with handling surprises. But I can't help but feel glad that he asked me out and he is one fine gentleman. Like one in a million. And I like him. More than I probably should on a first date. But anyways we'll see how it all goes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. All of them.

"By the way, you're looking very beautiful today." I chuckle. "What?" He asks.

"You don't need to flatter me."

He takes his eyes of the road and looks at me."And what if I say that I was trying to flirt with you?"

"Just keep your eyes on the road." I say trying to hide the smile that's creeping on to my face.

"All right." he says with a hint of smile in his voice.

I'm really excited about today, even though I'm trying to keep my hopes down because when you have high hopes and you're let down it hurts, like hell. That's basically the story if my life.

So yeah, I just hope that everything goes smoothly tonight.

After he parks the car we go and buy tickets at the theatre.

"So pick the movie." He says.

"No you pick one. It doesn't always have to be the girl who picks a movie you know."

He stares at me for a few seconds with a smirk. I push my hair behind my ear. Trying to hide my face. "Okay." And he picks a rom-com.

We buy some popcorn and take our seats in the theatre. And since it's the weekend the hall is bustling with a lot of people. And I'm already enjoying myself, because its been a long long time since I went out for a movie, let alone a date.

"So....." he says. "Which is your favourite movie?"

"My current favourite is The Ugly Truth."

"Okay so you like romantic comedy."

"I don't know..." I shrug and pop a piece of popcorn into my mouth. "Maybe I just like Gerard Butler."

"Oh no. He's like ......." he trails off.

But before he can say anything, I add."Don't say he's old. Because he's not."

He grins."Maybe you've just got the hots for elder, I mean old men."

"He's not old.....And if I would be interested in old men I certainly won't go out with you. Would you like that?"

"Ahhhh....... maybe." I inhale sharply."I'm just kidding." he laughs. I shake my head ."And by the way," he leans in just as the movie starts and whispers into my ear. "You look really cute when you get all wound up." and although there's nothing sensual about it, it still makes me shiver and not in a bad way in a good way.

And then I really hope that it lasts.


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