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Audrey's POV

Tonight, like the past six nights in a row, I was woken up by Athena's cries. They weren't soft cries either. No. They were very loud cries.

My baby girl had a set of lungs on her that's for sure,

"It's your turn," Clara whispered softly from next to me. I turned to face her, to see she still had her eyes closed,

"I've done it three times already." I retaliated,

"So have I." She replied back, slowly opening her eyes to face me. I held my hand out in front of my face,

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?"

She narrowed her eyes slightly, "Bring it on."

Long story short, Clara lost.

She groaned before standing up from the bed, "You owe me. As in by the time I get back, you better be in some Victoria's Secret and ready to thank me."

I chuckled, "Hurry up then before I change my mind."

She quickly ran out of the room and I sat up in the bed so I could turn the baby monitor on. It was one that also had a camera so I could see and hear everything that was going on right now. Not that I didn't trust Clara or anything, she just had a way with words when she spoke to Athena and it makes me smile every time I hear it,

"Thena, did I ever mention how mama is mean? She beat me at Rock, Paper, Scissors by the way."

Clara lifted Athena into her arms and gently bounced her up and down while continuing to talk to her,

"You know, I never thought I could love someone as much as I love your mama but then you came into the world."

See what I mean? She just had a way with words. How could you not smile at this?

"She is the sun to my moon as you are the light to my dark. Wow, I've gotten cheesy. You know what I mean though right?"

She talks to Athena as if she understands everything and is going to reply at any given moment.

She lifted Athena up so they were face to face, "Could you maybe not cry at four a-m though? seven a-m is okay."

Athena giggled and grabbed Clara's nose, "I'm going to take that as an okay mummy."

Clara pretended to bite Athena's hand making Athena laugh. I pressed a button on the baby monitor so I could speak to Clara,

"Sorry to interrupt the moment sweetheart but you're meant to be putting her back to sleep, not keeping her awake. Also, I don't like to be kept waiting."

The last part may have come across more seductive than I intended it to but I couldn't help it,

"I told you your mama was mean." Was the last thing I heard before I decided to switch the monitor off.

Now I could be cruel and just go back to sleep but I'd feel really bad about it, especially after I made her sleep on the couch a couple of days ago.

I may or may not have snapped at Clara over nothing. She was confused but wasn't sure how to argue back and I think the expression I had, made her not want to argue back at all. She basically stood there and took everything I verbally threw at her. Even after pregnancy, I was an emotional mess so this was the least I could do for her.

It was another ten minutes or so before Clara walked back into the room, "She has most of your genes you know. You're the only one I know that wakes up at the crack of dawn and now our daughter is doing it too."

The Successor (GXG) (Lesbian Story) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now