Chapter 9

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When Emilia returned, she had a large duffle bag of different machines. "Give him a few more doses of morphine. He will be more relaxed unconscious." She ordered which Bekka followed hitting the toggle two more times. She started with one machine at his shoulder, running a bigger wand over his skin a few times then down his arm and up his side. "Well, lucky on the first try is always a good sign. His shoulder is dislocated. It probably happened when he thrashed against the restraints in response to Colt's low blow. Easy fix." She put her machine back in the bag, took Kolby's arm and popped it back in the socket in one easy motion and resting it back over his chest.

"No more training with friends, it doesn't end well." I murmured looking down as Emilia gently rested a reassuring hand to my shoulder.

"He is going to be fine. Probably good to get up and start moving around by the time the morphine wears off again." She explained adding a small smile.

"Is Liam pissed at me?" I asked drawing her gaze.

"Well, yeah. He doesn't understand why you were so rough with him but easy on Colt even though he was actually physically hurting Kolby. Liam was just standing in the way." She answered as Bekka chuckled.

"You guys don't see it. Liam is more of a threat to Kolby than Colt was. She knew deep down Colt wouldn't really hurt his brother. Liam on the other hand had everything taken from him because of Kolby. He had everything to gain from standing in the way and enabling Colt to continue hurting Kolby. He took his mate, he wanted Kolby to suffer and feel the anguish he feels. He was the real threat." Bekka explained as Emilia just dropped her jaw. "What?... It's how I felt when I first saw the way he looked at her. When I saw that the man I loved mated with my best friend."

She looked to the blank faces in the room, noticing Kolby's eyes on her as well. "Shit..." She whispered as I turned to see Kolby looking at me with a hurting in his eyes I knew well.

"It is not your fault you mated. It is uncontrollable. Everyone knows that. I'm just glad it happened with someone who deserves you." She added and he smiled softly at me.

As Emilia had predicted, once Kolby had the drugs out of his system he was trying to be annoying as possibly to get up and start moving around. "You promised to stay put." I jokingly pouted as he used his right arm to readjust on the bed sitting up higher. His left was held to his chest with a sling Emilia forced on him with a bit of difficulty.

"Come on, the house is safe." He retorted as Emilia stood to keep him down.

"Remember there buddy, there's still a tube sticking out of the side of your chest. You can't move around quite yet." She spoke as if to remind him. He sunk back further into the bed as a grimace betook his face.

"When will that damn thing come out anyways?" He asked as Colt came through the door. The doctor followed and caused Kolby to get excited. "Yes, Doc, take this damn thing out of me!" He motioned to the tube and we all eye rolled at the exact same time.

The doctor came near, checked the tube as well and the drainage, and nodded to Colt. "Do you want something for the pain?" He asked as Kolby bounced like a school girl.

"Nope. Just take it out of me!" He said giddily. Which the doctor obeyed and went to pull the tube out. Colt went to hold him down knowing the second the tube was pulled Kolby would freak.

"Cassidy you may want to get and keep his attention." Colt suggested and I nodded to it. He was right, as the Doctor took hold of the tube with the forceps and began to pull.

It was nearly too much to endure. The tears flooded my eyes as I blinked them away focusing on Kolby. He had locked his jaw and was screaming through his teeth. His face turned to focus on me as I put my hand on his cheek and jaw. "Just look at me. He's almost done." Colt had his weight holding down his chest which didn't make it any less of a pain to keep him still.

"Okay, done—keep movement to a minimum until tomorrow and just let him rest." The Doc ordered as he cleaned everything up and left the house the way he came.

"Well that sucked..." Kolby whispered drawing everyone's attention.

"Do you want something?" I asked about to near the morphine.

"Touch that and I swear I will go kiss your sister." He growled and I stopped, turned and looked at him with an incredible pain in my eyes. Without thinking I stepped back, not only away from the machine but also away from Kolby. The sound of those words kept ringing in my ears. I knew it wasn't his fault because of the pain but this was impossible to ignore.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes. Everyone heard what he said and the same blank expression crossed their faces. "Do you realize what you just said?" Bekka snapped as I was almost to the stairs leading to the door.

"I need some air." I whispered as Colt strategically moved to keep Kolby down as he nodded to me.

"Where is she going?" Kolby whispered in response as he moved to see me walk away.

"I will go after her, bring her back if you didn't hurt her too badly." Bekka said going after me. She did just that, finding me not far from the front door of Kolby's house. "You know it was just the pain that caused him to say that..."

I said nothing.

"He wouldn't purposely hurt you, you know that." She reaffirmed.

"I just needed some air..." I finally spoke hearing my voice crack.

"He will need you to go back soon." She said what I already knew. I could feel the bond becoming stronger and more of a dull throb that I couldn't stop. I took her waiting hand and she pulled me up to my feet leading me back inside.

As I silently moved down the stairs, something was off. I entered the main room seeing Colt standing over Kolby. Emilia was spamming the morphine button and stopped seeing me. "He is seriously awful when his mate storms off."

"He'll be out for a long while now." Colt explained and shook his head letting it fall into his hand. I slowly moved to his right side seeing the still fresh tears down his cheeks. "Kolby doesn't cry. You walking away messed with him bad. He'll be fine. His body will burn the morphine in less than a few hours."

I nodded sliding up and into the bed with him laying on my side. I pulled him close as a whimper escaped his lips, "Shhh, I'm here." I whispered trying to regain the softness in my voice.

"He has no link between his brain and his mouth. He's an asshole most the time. You can't let what he says get to you." Emilia explained which I knew she was telling the truth. With everything he had been through, with Cade and Mya and not finding a mate until now, he adjusted to a solo life. Everyone stayed silence but remained in the training room for the few hours as I just held Kolby close.

"It just felt too familiar there for a second. How I knew the bond may have been false with Liam, after I upset him calling him Eli, I found him kissing another girl. An ex of his actually." I seriously didn't know why I was telling them all this personal stuff as I broke the silence we were stewing in but Bekka nodded.

"Well, smack him. He won't know he's doing something that hurts you unless you beat it into him. He's got a thick skull and rocks for brains." Colt chuckled as he insulted his little brother.

"I heard that..." He whispered letting out a breath. His eyes stayed closed for only a few more moments before they opened slightly. Everyone took their leave seeing his jaw clench like he wanted to say something so they went saying they would get some food going for us.

"I reminded you of how Liam treated you..." His voice was faint.

"It was the pain that caused everything to just come out." I answered trying to convince myself.

"But I have a history with her. You think I would actually do that?" He asked pulling back to look me straight in the eyes. "I have no intentions to kiss anyone except for you. Ever. For as long as I live." He reacted. I lowered my forehead to his, brushing our noses. His right arm had pulled me closer to him, and at that moment everything faded, nothing mattered.

I crinkled my nose and let out a breath of annoyance, "it's not fair that you can just hold me close, say a few words in that sexy voice or yours and get out of trouble."

He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to the tipof my nose. "That's why mates stay mated. The bond makes it impossible to staymad." He cuddled into my chest burying his head into my neck. I lightly strokedthe back of his head, as he purred in contentment.    

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