Chapter 13

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I'm back.....

Ya miss me?

It was too easy to be honest. They had no chance as they slipped through the door wounded and leaving their pride and most of their blood inside the room. She had no remorse or control as she ripped, tore and beat them to the last inch of endurance. I knew they wouldn't make it from the mine alive. "Charlee." I whispered drawing her angry gaze and it lightened only a little.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as the tears filled her eyes and she blinked them away freeing my hands. We moved from the room trying to find the way out, which following the blood trail was easy to do once we could see daylight. We emerged from the entrance as Colt and his team came up to it.

Charlee gave him a glare and he frown, "well they succeeded in getting one of the Jensen twins to turn off her humanity, it was just the wrong one."

"He killed Liam. She whooped ass and they are hurt if not dead in there." I explained as two of the guys with toxic air masks stepped forward and took off into the mine.

"You two need to come back with me so we can get the antigen started." He explained and I nodded pulling Charlee along with me. She walked along like a zombie, nothing behind her eyes, no love left in her body.

Once back to the house I couldn't get back to Kolby fast enough. The silver was starting to hurt my body but I needed to physically know he was okay. He was talking to Bekka when he heard the thudding down the stairs and his eyes met mine. I crossed the floor to the couch in three strides and fell to my knees in front of him, resting my head to his chest.

"Little Love... You're safe now..." He whispered stroking the back of my head as a wave of emotion washed over me and I couldn't keep it in. I cried knowing the first two men I loved were dead and now to know it was truly my fault.

"Cassidy, you can stay by him, but Doc needs to get the antigen started before it does more damage." Emilia whispered as I offered an arm and kept my head buried in Kolby's side and hand, as I closed my eyes letting the darkness take over.

"I still don't get it." Charlee growled from the other side of the couch in a recliner on the morning of the second day.

"Don't get what?" Emilia asked lifting her head from Colt's chest as they sat on the floor near me and Kolby.

"Why does she get the happy ending? Her mate is still alive. He's damaged sure, but still alive. And where am I? Three failed mates and when I finally find someone to love me she gets him killed. I don't get it." She rattled off causing me to let out a gasp. "Why is she so damn special?"

"There's nothing special. Just some old coot thinking there was something that wasn't there. She didn't end the world, she is just her. You just started believing there was something there." Colt answered before I could open my mouth.

"So if I don't know, I killed him right now, she wouldn't turn off her humanity and end the world?" Charlee spoke so convincingly that everyone went into defense mode.

"You'd never get close enough to try." Emilia spoke as I growled sitting up.

"I know how you feel. Charlee, it's okay to let the pain and the hurt take its course. Remember I lost my best friend while still human. I didn't get to flip a switch and make it all go away. I had to live through it, and I did. I survived and became the person I am today and it's because of the pain I had to endure." I explained and she continued to stare at me.

"I don't want to feel it..." She whispered as I could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

"It will only get better when you let it come out." I whispered gently scooting over to her putting my hands on her lap. It was that touch, the sisterly bond we had formed that I felt the warm pulse and she doubled over in tears.

"He loved me... For once, he choose me. I was going to be happy and have what you have." She cried hard and the words were almost inaudible.

"You will find someone. You have all the time to find him. Jeez we are still both not even 19. You will find someone." I whispered to her as I looked to Kolby. "Maybe you and I just need to go take a road trip. Visit a few packs, let them know the Jensen sisters mean no harm. The prophecy wasn't fulfilled."

"There's no way Colt would let us do that." She scoffed.

"If you took Emilia and Bekka with and agreed to check in every day. I would let all the packs know you were coming and they all know Emilia so I don't see the harm honestly." He chimed in and Charlee looked unsure but with the smiles of her friends and her sister she slowly nodded.

"When?" She asked as Bekka and Emilia got up.

"In the morning. We will go pack up everything now and get the Wrangler set and ready to go." Emilia said gently pressing a kiss to Colt's lips.

"Do I get a say in this?" Kolby huffed drawing my attention. "I don't think it's safe, I don't like it."

"Oh and you think you're going to tell me what to do?" I raised an eyebrow which produced a snicker from Colt and a glare from Kolby.

"It will be okay, each Alpha will know when they will be entering their territory. The girls can protect themselves." Colt said putting a hand to his brothers good shoulder faking sincerity.

"Dude, I will break your hand." He growled shaking it off and looking to me.

"You check in every time you think that it's been too long. I hate this idea." He whispered.

"Charleeneeds to get out of the area for a bit. And we both should let the packs knowwe mean no harm and won't willingly affect the prophecy. We can handle stuffwithout the guys around. Who did get out of captivity and eat the bad guys?" Itried to lighten the mood but to no avail. 



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