Chapter 14

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When the morning light shone into the room we had all fallen asleep in, everyone was antsy in anticipation. We had no idea what this little road trip would hold in store for us. "You can still back out you know. Stay with your mate and practice making us a few pups." Kolby lifted his eyebrows a few times to drive home his hidden meaning.

"We need to do this. Charlee needs to get away for a while and people need to know that the Jensen prophecy isn't ever going to happen. One dumb rogue could start a war no one wants. We need to get out and talk to the packs before that happens." I explained gently nuzzling his jaw line and neck causing a low growl.

"I don't want you to go..." He finally whispered letting out a breath and my heart sank. "I love you..."

"I love you too. And I love my sister, she needs me now. You can have me all to yourself when we come home. Like locked in a room with no interruptions." I whispered back in his ear as he pulled away, eyes wide. I nodded and he smiled.

"Come on ladies, let's hit the road and get this show going!" Bekka called down the stairs as I noticed I was the only one still downstairs. I stood, kissed Kolby one more time as Colt moved to me.

"Everyone else has one already. It's a satellite phone so it should work where ever you are. Please call him multiple times a day; I can see him being insufferable if you don't." He whispered to the loud slapping noise as the hand hit his ass. I looked back to Kolby who was getting ready to hit again.

"I love you. Only you, and I will be home again before you know it." I spoke sweetly as I took off up the stairs and out the door, jumping in the passenger seat of the jacked all black Recon Wrangler. The roof and doors had been taken off and packed into the back and only the mesh door guards were up.

"Let's do this!" Emilia shouted giddily and pulled from the drive in a cloud of dust.

In North America, there were only a handful of packs. Two in Canada, five in the US, and then the Mexican pack that controlled Mexico and Central America. We would make our way to all of them; going north to Canada first, passing through the border controlled and used only by the packs. What possibly could go wrong?

"Who's the Alpha of this pack?" Charlee asked from the back seat as we pulled through the border and headed in the direction of the town the Alpha called home.

"His name is Elliot. He and Colt go way back and he happens to be my brother so that's always a fun thing to deal with." She spoke as she brought the Jeep to a stop by a villa. She climbed out of the driver's side as the door swung open.

"Ahh, dear sister! Colt had said you were coming. Who are these wonderful people?" He smiled which caused an eye roll from Emilia.

"This is Bekka, and they are Charlee and Cassidy Jensen." She introduced and his expression went to pure excitement and curiosity.

"So it was true; Jensen twins and females to boot—such a glorious prize." He ended whispering but we all heard.

"Yeah, I can see what you're thinking, she's mated with Kolby you dumbass." Emilia answered and his eyes widened with terror. "Besides, Audra would not be happy if you tried to bring home some side action."

"We just want to let the packs know we aren't going to cause any harm. We diverted the prophecy and now we just want to let the people know." I spoke up and he looked at me curiously. "You can stop doing that. It's getting creepy."

"Just amazed that a Jensen female survived past birth. Your ancestry is filled with many females that didn't make it past birth. Why are you two so special?" He asked out loud.

"That's why we are traveling the packs. Maybe to figure out more about ourselves." Charlee answered this time and I nodded in agreement.

"So the prophecy Roy tried so hard to make true just fizzled out?" Elliot asked as we moved into another villa that was next to his. "This is where you ladies will stay."

"Well we are the only ones that know the true prophecy and we wouldn't let it happen." I explained as we moved into the villa and stood in the entry way.

"Emilia!" A light voice yelled from behind us.

"Audra, oh it's so good to see you! This is Bekka, Cassidy and Charlee." Emilia spoke as she smiled to all of us. She was Elliot's Luna. The Luna was the mate to the Alpha.

"You too! How is Colt? Any babies yet? Wait; did you say Cassidy and Charlee? As in Jensen?" She too took on the curious look on her face but wasn't creepy.

"Yes, as in Jensen. Cassidy actually is Kolby's mate." She explained.

"The Beast took a mate? That is wonderful." She spoke saying the name I had heard only a few times but I wasn't a fan of. The Beast made it sound like he was inhuman and he's incapable of having a mate. Which we all knew was untrue.

"Ahh, she doesn't like that name for him." Elliot said in his creepy way.

"No, in fact I do not. He's not a 'beast'. He's an amazing person." I spoke and Elliot snorted.

"Honey, he's the infamous Beast that has always been the right hand to his brother for as long as he's been in power. Colt is feared and held in the highest regard because of what Kolby has done to make it that way. He's a killer. He does what was needed to keep his Alpha's hands clean. Dear girl, you've mated with death." Elliot explained as Emilia got up.

"Just because you are an Alpha doesn't mean I can't kick your ass. Kolby has had troubles, yes. He has killed people, yes. But you don't need to spin it in a way that makes him sound like he's some sort of anti-Christ. You should see him now, he has the softness about him again that everyone's missed so much." Emilia retorted as every hair on my body stood up. The smell on the wind from the door being still open.

"Kolby." I whispered turning before anyone else even had a chance to react. I was sprinting and in his arms as all the heads finally finished turning to us. I jumped into him as I was only about three paces away as his protective arms entrapped me to his chest.

"I can't let you be away from me. I know most of the Alphas so they would be glad to see me and honestly, helping them while you girls do your thing. Won't even know I'm here." He whispered into my ear as I nudged my face into his neck.

Audra broke the moment we were in as we both focused in the direction we heard her voice, "it is good to see you Kolby. You found yourself a wonderful mate." She smiled as Elliot came up to her and extended a hand towards us.

"Hello Beasty." He devilishly smiled.

"Disregard him. You know how he is. I am so glad to have you all here." Audra spoke and brought all attention to her. "Kolby, why don't you and Elliot go do guy stuff and I will take the girls around and see about seeing a few elders."

"Sounds like a wonderful plan. I know a lot of my men would love to meet the infamous Beast." Elliot spoke. He knew every time he said the word it drove me mad so he wanted to see how far he could push before I exploded.

"LittleLove, I can tell what you're thinking. His head needs to stay attached to hisbody. It's what I am called. I wasn't so soft and cuddly before you wanderedinto my life. It's who I am now that is important; who you make me." Hewhispered into my ear that only I could hear but as I looked to Bekka shesoftly smiled. "Go with the girls. I will meet you back here in a few hours andwe will spend quality alone time together." He kissed my cheek following Elliotout and off towards where we first met him. 

Well.... Isn't Elliot a creep...


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