Chapter 2

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Today is the day I fly out to LA. Me and the rest of the boys are going to meet there. The other girl that was going to go with us canceled, leaving me to be the only girl. Kinda a good thing but I will also get bored without a girlfriend. Well I only had one back home but I will miss her to death. I wear a pair of jean shorts, my pink swag snapback, and a Forever Young crop top. My parents already left for work and I had said my goodbye. My brother is going to drive me to the airport. We sit at the table, me, Alex, and Bella. They eat as I find my tickets in my bag. After they finish I give Bella a small hug and Alex takes my bags to the car. I wave bye to Bella as I sit into the car.

I give Alex a long hug and I shed a tear. He laughs and gives me a kiss on the forehead. I turn around and start walking down to my plane. I turn around a wave to Alex, he waves back and blows me a kiss. I turn around and walk onto the plane. I sit down next to this older guy, he is huge and has a dirty shirt. The other seat has still not been taken. I switch over to the other seat. Some hot guy comes down the rows and looks at me.

"Um that's my sit," He says and looks at the other guy "But I will sit here"

He sits down in the middle seat. I smile at him and thank him for being nice.

"Wait I know you from some where?" He smiles.

"Um I don't think so" I smile.

"Yeah, Um Vine! Your Laura Hale" He smiles.

"Wow thanks. Not many people notice me. What's your name?" I smile.

"Liam" He smiles.

"Cool Name" I smile and he blushes.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"LA of course, I'm going on tour with some other people from vine" I smile.

"Sounds fun." He asks.

"Ya why you going?" I ask.

"Just need to get away. But which guys you going with from vine?" He asks.

I tell him the names and he helps fill me in about all the guys. I actually find out that they are pretty cool. He tells me everything about them. Their age, Where they are from, birthdays, siblings, Just anything. I listen to him the whole time. He shows me pictures. I think they are pretty cute. I cant tell which one is my favorite yet because I haven't meet them yet.

Hours pass and we finally get to land. I turn back on my phone and I get a text from Mark. He explains were to meet since all the guys are coming the this airport to meet up. I am the first one there so I go find Mark. I first grab my luggage and roll it through the airport. I look around trying to find Mark and I hear my name yelled. I turn around to see some girls coming up to me. They look like 13.

"Hi" I smile.

"Can we have a picture of u?" They smile.

'Sure" I smile.

They all gather around me and we smile towards the camera. their mothers take about 10 photos of us. Then One of them asked me to sign their phone. I smile and sign Laura and give it back to her. she squeals and gives me a huge hug. I smile and turn around to see Mark smiling.

"See you have met some fans" He smiles.

"Ya they are amazing" I grin.

We walk to Starbucks and talk. I order a Cotton Candy Frap. and he just gets plan coffee. Boring. We talk about the tours and what each of us can do. I can dance, sing and stuff. I'll be singing with Shawn. And dance with the other boys. The others will come in to LA in about 30 minutes. we keep talking before we notice some girls squeals. I get up and Mark stays there with my bags. I walk outside of Starbucks and see a small group of boys walk towards me. God they are even hotter in person. I walk up to them and they smile and pass by me.

"Excuse me" I smile.

"Sorry honey we cant take pictures right now. We have to go meet up with someone" One of them smile. I laugh.

"We need to meet up with out manager we would love to take pictures but we cant. Maybe later" One says.

"You mean Mark? Sorry but I still don't know your names" I smile.

"Laura isn't it?" One says with bright blue eyes.

"Yeah it is" I smile.

Other than them being dicks they kinda seem cool. I start to learn their names as I walk back to Starbucks. We all get into the limo waiting for us to go to the hotel. Mark tells us that their are only two rooms. I groan while the others clap hands. I have to share a room with four boys. I end up having Cameron, Nash, Hayes, and Taylor. The other room has Aaron, Matt, Jack, Jack, Shawn, and Carter. There are two king beds. Nash, Hayes, and Cameron on one and Me and Taylor in the other.

It's around 7 and some of the boys start getting ready for bed. I go onto the balconies and take out my blunts. I light them up and breath in. I missed the flavor. I had just got them only minutes ago. I watch the cars zoom by underneath us. One of the boys come out and stand next to me. Of course it's Nash. The big brother type.

"Are you smoking?" He asks.

"Yep" I say popping the p at the end.

"What are you smoking?" He asks.

"Weed" I smile " Want some?" I ask.

"Can I try some?" He asks.

I hand him one and light it up for him. He breaths in and then ends up coughing up a storm. I laugh and one of the other guys comes out. Cameron. He ends up taking the blunt and smoking it. I smile. Finally someone who can hold it down. Cameron and I talk for a bit before slipping back in. I slip into bed next to Taylor and fall asleep.

Bandanas and Snapbacks-Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now