Chapter 10

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I have to put my hood up as the clouds start opening. The rain pours down onto the ground around me but the tears wet my face. I hug myself and run a bit quicker. I just wanted to get away. I didn't care anymore. I want to just get away for a bit. We have a week off of Magcon and I don't know why I took off. I just couldn't face them being hurt by me. I always end up hurting someone close to. I couldn't take it back this time. My parents knew how to just cover up my cases but I cant cover up scars.

My music still blares out through my beats. I don't worry about them getting wet. Honestly I don't care. I turn my head to see the limo. I start to run but the door opens. Cameron runs to me and Matt follows. He pulls at my arm and I fall into him. I start crying harder into his hoodie. Cameron and I sit down on the sidewalk in the rain as I cry into his shoulder. He wraps me up into his arms and he carries me back to the limo.

"Laura?" I hear Taylor say.

I look at him. He sits next to me. One of the guys looks at him and shakes his head. I could hear Nash say 'not now Taylor.' I crawl over into Taylor's lap and nuzzle my head into his shoulder. I can feel his hot breathe on the back of my neck. I wrap m arms around his chest and he holds me in his lap like a baby. He runs his hand along my waist and the other hand on my back. He squeezes me tight and I fall asleep into his arms.

I wake up in my bed. I crawl out and head for the shower. I quickly wash up and then go to the kitchen. There was a note saying the boys went to talk to Mark and I kinda just got a bit pissed. So I went out onto the balcony. I grabbed my bottle of vodka and blunts. I sit out there trying getting drunk and high but my plan fails. I hear the boys come in a hour later. I'm not drunk or high which sucks. I can hold my alcohol and drugs well. I open up my phone and see a text from 'the asshole' My ex boyfriend.

From Kyle:

Please meet me at the Starbucks outside your hotel

I wasn't shocked that he knew what hotel I was out. In the past week Magcon is the biggest thing being talked about and the crowds outside our hotels are huge. I sigh. I'm gonna go cause I don't know what he wants. I stand up and I start walking out the door but one of the boys see me.

"Laura where are you going?" Taylor asks.

"Starbucks" I smile.

"Can I come?" He smiles.

"Um no I have to talk to someone quickly" I say to him.

"O okay" He says walking away.

I once I get outside my hair flies around. I am glad I'm in shorts and a hoodie. I see Kyle and I walk over to him. He hands me a drink, he remember what I like. I smile at him and he tries to hug me. I stop him.

"Kyle I'm not here to get back together with you." I say.

"Please Laura" He begs.

"Kyle you broke me. You used me to play with and you never loved me. It was all a dare" I say.

"Not all of it. I did love you. Not at first but then I did" He starts.

"Stop" I say.

"Is he bothering you?" Cameron says from behind me.

I turn around to see Taylor, Cameron, Matt, and Shawn. I let out a large bubble of air from my throat.

"Um no he was just leaving" I say looking at Kyle.

"No I wasn't. Laura I love you" Kyle says.

"And I don't." I smirk.

"No Laura please let me make It up to you" He begs again.

"Dude back off" Cameron starts.

"Shut up this is our conversation" Kyle spits.

"No that's enough. Go away!" I almost scream at him.

Kyle hugs me and I push him off. He leans in and kisses me. I push away but he ends up back handing me across the jaw. Taylor jumps at him but Matt holds him back. I punch Kyle across the jaw like he did and turn around and walk the other way.

"Don't ever come back" Taylor says and ends up punching him.

I run back and grab Taylor away from Kyle. He cant start this. I place my hand on Taylor's cheek and stare into his eyes. His eyes have so much hate in them but once when he makes eye contact with me it disappears. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. We walk back into the hotel with people staring at us. Once we get upstairs Taylor lifts me onto the counter. My jaw is like exploding with pain. At first it didn't hurt but now it just like a mother trucker. I curse a bit but Taylor fixes me up.

"Here" Taylor says and presses a ice pack to my cheek.

I flinch a bit but it feels very nice.

"What happened to you?" Jack G asks.

"Got punched by a ex" I smile with the ice pack on my cheek.

"Damn" Jack J laughs.

all the boys come out and I tell them about Kyle and all. They sit on the couch and chairs and I sit on the counter still. I talk to them about it and I feel my arms go itchy. I scratch my wrist and then Nash comes over to me. He lifts up my sleeve and looks at my wrist. I had only made two more cuts since yesterday. I roll my eyes at Nash.

"again really?" He says.

"How bad?" I hear Hayes ask.

"Only two deep nes. two to many" Nash says looking at me.

"Would you guys stop? Its not that big of a deal" I say and get off the counter.

"Come over here" Taylor says.

I walk over to Tyalor and sit in his lap. I cuddle up to him and he holds me tight.

"You ok?" He asks.

"I'm trying to be" I mutter.

"I know baby I know" He says.

I end up falling asleep in his arms again but I can feel him stand up and carry me into bed. He sets me down into the bed gently. He slowly gets under the covers next to me. He cuddles up to me and holds my hand. I turn to have my chest next to him. I lay my head and arm onto his chest. he plays with my hand and I stare at our fingers. I slowly fall asleep in his arms.

Bandanas and Snapbacks-Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now