Chapter 11

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When I woke up all the memories of yesterday floated back in. I feel my jaw again and I groan. I roll out of bed and go onto the balcony. I pull out a blunt and start smoking. I look down at the people underneath me. They look like ants. But each one of them has a purpose in life for the most part. Some of them is just to reproduce or love someone. but for me what purpose do I serve. I place the blunt in between my lips and leave it there. Only opening my mouth to let out the smoke. I hear the door open but I don't bother to look who it is.

"Hey Laura?" Nash says.

"Yeah Nash" I say.

"Why do you smoke?" He asks.

"It relives stress." I say.

'Why do you cut?" He asks.

"Makes me feel better" I say.

"Why do you drink?"

"To forget" I say.

"Wow I taught it would be a cool reason." He says.

'No, not many people have that. Good reasons to smoke or drink. Usually its for a reason like mine but there are people like Cameron. Who smoke because it is cool." I say.

"But why do it? Wont it hurt you more?" He asks.

"People don't look into the future, only the past" I say, letting out the white smoke.

Nash and I talk about smoke, drinking, cutting, and rebelling for the next hour before Taylor comes out. He grabs me because I was getting a bit high. He brings me into the bathroom and takes off my shirt and shorts. He starts the water then leaves. I slowly get undressed the rest and then slip into the shower. Once I get my second foot down I bang my head on the side of the table. I yell Fuck and I hear nothing except music jamming. I get back up slowly from being dizzy. I show and grimace as I wash my hair. When I get out I get my clothes on and do some small makeup. I start my hair and run my fingers through it. When I look at them I see blood. I go out into the living room and the boys don't pay any attention to me.

"You guys" I say.


"You guys" I say a bit louder.

Still nothing.

"you guys" I say just a bit louder.

Still Nothing.

"Fuck it. YOU GUYS" I scream.

"Damn what?" Cameron laughs.

They look at me with my hand bloody and blood running down my forehead. Taylor runs over to me.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I feel in the bath tub." I say.

Cameron, Taylor and I go to the hospital. Once we get there I am rushed back to have it checked out. I sit there for 10 minutes as they separate my hair and look at the cut. I didn't think it was that bad. It stings a bit but that may be because conditioner and shampoo in the cut. Other than that I think I am in shock. The doctor walks in and shakes all of our hands.

"so the cut isn't that bad but all we have to do is stitch it back up. The cut isn't deep but is long. You need 10 stitches. You will only need it for maybe three weeks. But by the looks of it maybe only two for you. Your healing process is faster than anyone I have seen. It may seem a little annoying to you at first but you will get use to it." He speaks.

'Ok thank you doctor" Cameron smiles.

The nurse comes back and start stitching up my head with the doctors help. I squeeze Taylor's and Cameron's hand. It hurts a lot more than I was thinking it would. I would get pain killers so that would help with the pain. The doctors drug me up and set me in a wheel chair. I know I am so drugged up it isn't funny. I am placed in the back of Cameron's car and I fall asleep.

When I wake up Taylor is carrying me in the elevator. I love it when he carries me bridal style. I touch his face with my finger and laugh, He smiles at me and kisses my cheek. Cameron gets off the elevator and Taylor watches to make sure I don't hit my head. Again. Once Cameron opens the door I hear all the boys start asking questions. Taylor sets me down and wraps his arm around my waist. I get into the living room before I almost all. Taylor picks me back up into bridal style and carries me to the bed. He sets me down and I ask him to stay. He cuddles up next to me and I hug him. In a matter of seconds I fall asleep and not remember to bother wake up in a few hours.

When I wake up after the pills were off I realize it was almost 20 hours I was asleep. Meaning tomorrow we fly out to Miami. I get to see Alex. I doubt my parents and Bella are going to come see me. Honestly I don't really care. I just couldn't wait to see him. I start to sit up but then the pain hits me. I cry out and go into the living room. I ask for my pills and Cameron hands me two. I lay on the couch and cuddle up to Taylor. I set my head in his lap and curl up into a ball. I watch the news about us. They talk about all the boys and then I come around.

"Honestly why do you think Laura is there?" One man says.

"I think she is pretty but she is kina big" The girl laughs.

"She sucks, she' fat, and not very attractive. Get her out of Magcon" The guys says.

They guys flip the channel as a tear falls down my cheek. I just close my eyes and let the pills take over my head.

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