Chapter 6

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When I woke up that morning I went straight to the balcony. I light up and have a drink in my hand. Tomorrow is our first official practice for Magcon. I raise the blunt to my lips and start sucking in. I breath out and the white smoke fills the air. I smile as I feel the weight lifted. The white clouds are like my troubles, they just float away while I smoke. But once when I stop the troubles come back. I start shipping on my vodka and smile. Best way to have a morning. I know I cant smoke tomorrow morning cause I have to be sober and clean for the practice, which really sucks. more fun when you are drunk, its a party when you are both drunk and high. I can hear the boys getting up so I wait and smoke for another 30 minutes. I walk or like stumble to the shower. I'm not exactly drunk or high. I'm on the verge of being high. I just about never get drunk, runs in the blood.

After I no longer smell like weed and alcohol, I start on my makeup. Eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow and bronzer. I pat all my under eyes and walk out the bathroom. I go change into some outfit. I choose my sweats and a Nike neon pink sports bra. I shake out my curly wet hair and walk outside. I slip on a snapback and sunglasses. I sit by all the boys in the living area. They all stare at me.

"Why are you wearing glasses?" Nash asks.

"SHHH" I hiss.

"What's wrong with you this morning?" Shawn asks.

"All of you guys are so loud" I groan.

"No we aren't" Hayes laughs.

"O, I get it. The sunglasses, us being to loud, and you sleeping in till like noon. I'm guessing that you are high?" Cameron laughs bumping me in the arm.

'Shut up jerk. Of course I am high I'm that awesome" I play fully hit hm.

All the boys laugh and I try to crack a smile. Taylor mutters something under his breath. It almost looks like a 'I wonder why' I frown as they all run down for breakfast. Taylor looks at me. I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen. They head down and I stay back. I pour me vodka into a regular water bottle and head downstairs. Once I get there I squeeze into the middle of the booth. I sit next to Cameron and Hayes. Once I sit down Taylor looks at me and I nod. I take a ship of my vodka and set it in my lap.

"You guys we have a problem" Taylor says.

"Taylor, are you pregnant again?" Carter asks.

"No something serious this time guys. Its a big issue." He says as the boys laugh but soon calm down.

"What's wrong, Taylor?" Nash asks  concerned.

"Pull out your phones and open up  twitter" He says.

Everyone opens twitter on their phone and waits for the next instruction. They all stare at Taylor with confusion.

"Search #laurahale" He says and the guys look at me.

They start typing and some of them gasp and other clench their jaw in anger. Cameron grabs his phone tighter and places it on the table. Most of the boys just keep scrolling through the tweets, saying some of them out loud. I hear death threats as well as just some hate. I really hate how it gets to me but I ignore it the best I possible can. Cameron looks at me.

"It isn't true Laura. I promise you it isn't." he say to me.

"Maybe it is maybe it isn't. I don't know. They are the judge of that, not me." I say and take another ship.

"Laura do you really believe that shit? You are perfect in everyway" Cameron says hugging me.

I place my bottle on the table so I could hug him back. Once all the boys say something we go back to eating. I munch on my banana. I smile sometimes to make sure the boys aren't worried about me. I smile and laugh about every five minutes. I start dreaming off about tomorrow before I am gasp. Hayes grabs my bottle and takes a swig. I grab for the bottle before he spits out the vodka. I laugh a bit before he drinks his water.

"What the hell is that?" He spits.

"Um a little bit of vodka mixed with more vodka" I say and smile.

"Laura really?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah. Want a swig?" I smile.

He grabs the bottle and takes a large swig. I punch him playfully and he laughs. I grab the bottle from his hand before taking a large swig of vodka. I glance over at Taylor and I see him shaking his head. He knows why I am drinking and smoking. I don't think the rest of the guys have made the exact connection yet but they will sooner or later.

"Loser" I mutter.

After breakfast we decide just to have a movie or TV show marathon on Netflix. We end up watching the Possession. I sit there with my legs to my chest and hugging them. Taylor is spread across the couch next to me and Shawn on the other side. Once something scary as shit pops out all the boys cling to one another. I jump into Taylor's lap. He laughs and wraps a arm around my shoulder. I lay my hand on his chest and decide not to move. He hugs me close as we watch them and then watch all the paranormal activity movies.

Once I lay in the bed I close my eyes. I hear a noise so I shoot my eyes back open. I end up scooting closer to Taylor and cuddling up to him.

"You scared much?" He smiles.

"Very, protect me please?" I smile up at him.

"Always and forever" He laughs.

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