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I get out my bathing suit and towel.
"Annie are you in there?", Katie calls out.
"Yep I am! I'm coming out now", I yell back.
"Brennan wants you", she calls back. Oh right. She doesn't even want me, it's Brennan. My bruise tingles at the thought of his name. I don't think that's normal. I slowly open the door and he's standing there with flowers and chocolates.
"Annie I can't live with myself with what I did to you, I'm so sorry, I hope you can forgive me and you will come out on a date with me right now", he says. He has tears in his eyes. He really means it.
"Yes Brennan, of course! I love you!", he puts down the flowers and chocolate and wraps me in a big hug. I slowly press my lips against his and we start making out.
"Lets go to my car then", he says as he pulls away.
We head downstairs and our parents are there taking pictures of us as we walk hand in hand.
I smile to look at him and he smiles back. We get into his car and he starts driving. We arrive at a nice restaurant and we walk in. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Liv and her friends sitting there.
"Bren, why are they here?", I ask.
"I don't know baby girl, but it's okay you're with me nothing will happen, I'll protect you", he replies.
For some reason those words make me feel sick to my stomach. Like I know that something's going to happen and he's not going to protect me.
We walk to our table and sit down, the waitress comes over and takes our orders.
"Thank you for doing this for me Brennan", I smile at him, but I can see he's more focused on something else. I turn around and I see them. His group of friends.
"Why are they here?", I ask.
"I invited them as well", he laughs. He can't go anywhere without them.
"I'll be back in a sec", he says. He walks over to them and sits down with them. One of them hands him a bottle of vodka and a cigarette. I see Liv staring me and him down. She stands up and walks over towards them. He's not coming back.
Liv walks over to them and sits down next to Brennan. Brennan turns to her and starts making out with her.
I can't believe this. I really can't.
I stand up and walk towards their table.
"Brennan, I think we are done here, I don't want to ever talk to you again, WE ARE OVER".

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