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I walk out of the restaurant and pull out my phone. I have to find a way back home so I call Kenzie. I know that she will come and pick me up because she going to Hayden's pool party.
Tears are falling slowly down my face.
A- Kenz? Can you please come and pick me up? I've been ditched, I'm at Chans Restaurant
K- Sure thing I'll be there in 5
I hang up and turn back to look at Brennan and his friends inside. I can't believe how much he's changed over this last week. Breaking up with him was the best thing to do. Maybe we weren't meant to be together forever. I'm so heart broken, I really need to get my mind off what just happened. I'm still in love with him and I probably will be for a long time. He was my first love. It hurts but I know I've done what is right.
Kenzie pulls up and I get in the car.
"Is everything okay?", she asks.
"Brennan and I arent together anymore", I say.
She just nods and turns to keep driving. It's a really quiet drive. We pull into Hayden's house and I wipe the tears away from under my eyes. I have to look okay because if I don't, he will question me.
Shit! I completely forgot about the big bruise on my stomach. He's going to see it. We go inside Hayden's house and I smile. It hurts to smile but I know that I have to smile through the pain.
I walk up to his room to get changed. He has a nice bedroom.
"Annie! What are you doing in here", I get a fright and turn around to see Hayden standing at his door.
"Omg I'm so sorry, I just came up here to get changed and i-"
"It's okay", he laughs,"I've just come to use the bathroom, I won't be too long", he says.
I just smile and nod.
I continue getting into my swimsuit and I stand infront of the mirror. Shit this bruise is bad. I go to get my top to put over my swimsuit, but it's not in my bag.
"Crap!", I say out loud.
"Is everything alright?", Hayden asks. He's standing at the door watching.
"Yep everything is fine, I was just wondering if you had a top I could put over my swimsuit", I ask.
"I do", he goes into his wardrobe and gets out a big baggy top.
"Thank you", I say while putting it on.
"Annie, what happened to your stomach?", he asks.
"Ahh, umm, while I was using our pool, I whacked my stomach on the waterslide", I say lying straight through my teeth.
He looks suspicious, but he goes along with it.
"Well here, put this cream on, it will help it", he says while handing me a tube of cream.
"Actually, do you think you could put it on for me?", I ask.
"Sure", he replies.
I slowly lift my top up, revealing how bad the bruise is. He gently rubs the cream into my stomach.
"Annie...", he says while standing up and putting his hands on my shoulder.
"Promise you will tell me everything, and not lie to me", he says.
"I promise."
Great Annie, lying again.
He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. I rest my head on his shoulder. I feel safe. A feeling I haven't felt in a while. It's weird.
A tear drops down from my eye.
Could this day get any worse?

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