Chapter 1~ I Miss Him

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Killua POV

     I wake up to get ready for another boring day of work. I work for a small family restaurant. It's not fancy, but it feels warm and welcoming and all the people who work here are warm hearted, kind people who I get along with most of the time. Sure my boss is picky and a little bit of a perfectionist, but regardless he is my boss so it's best to get along with him.

  I got a job to pass time since I don't really travel much anymore now that Alluka has grown up more and decided to live on her own. We still keep in contact with each other and I see her every now and then just to check up on her.

   Everything seems so dull now. Lately, I've found myself thinking about Gon a lot and I really do miss him. I catch myself thinking about what he could be off doing without me. I wonder about all kinds of things like if he found himself a girlfriend, what he looks like now, if he even remembers me. It makes me sad thinking he has a girlfriend.

We used to text each other every day but as time passed we slowly lost all contact, probably since I had been so busy with Alluka all this time. Maybe he found a new best friend to travel all over the world with. I feel pain in my chest thinking about that, but I don't care as long as he is happy.

   Suddenly I hear my boss yelling my name. "KILLUA! You have been scrubbing the same dish for the last 20 minutes. Stop messing around and do your job!" Sorry, I guess I spaced out." I tell my boss with an apologetic smile. wow. I was so busy thinking about Gon I totally forgot that I was at work.


   I get off work at 8:00 but just as I was about to leave when my boss stops me and hands me an envelope. "What's this?" I ask. He looks at me, smiles and says "You're fired!" What?! I'm fired?! I say to myself in my head. "Why? I haven't done anything wrong!" I tell him getting a little-pissed off. "You have been spacing out a little too much lately, kid. And we don't really need your help anymore. So here is your paycheck for this week." I snatch the envelope out of his hand and storm out.

   I decide to just walk around for a while to calm down. I walk onto a bridge that crosses over a small pond and sit down on the edge with my feet hanging off over the water. I stare down at the still water which is reflecting the stars in the sky. I start thinking about Gon and how much I miss him and wish I could see him again. I recall the memory of the last time I saw him, the day we separated. I can still remember every detail so clearly even though it happened years ago. I feel my pocket vibrate so I reach in and pull out my phone. I have a text from a number I don't recognize, so I check it out to see what it says. When I start to read it I feel my eyes widen with surprise.

It was a text from Gon. I feel my heart start to beat faster and my cheeks start to feel a little hot. "Hey, Killua! Its Gon! How have you been? Are you still busy with Alluka? If you have time I really want to see you. I understand if you don't have time for me or don't want to see me, but I've been thinking a lot about you lately and I miss you!"

   I feel my whole face turn hot after reading it all. I start to think about how I should respond. I miss him too, so of course I want to see him. But I think my feelings for Gon are more than 'just friends' and I'm scared that he might find out and won't feel the same way. What if he hates me? I don't want him to hate me.

  I would much rather me and Gon stay just friends and hide my feelings than to ever have him hate me. But regardless, I just want Gon to be at my side again.

**Btw the majority of the pictures are probably going to be completely irrelevant to what the chapters about, so MOST of them will probably just be random pictures of Killua and Gon;)**

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