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   Sorry for not updating as much but I did say that my updates would be slow as hell on my wattpad page/profile thing. Plus, I broke my right wrist Saturday while I was skating and I just got my cast yesterday. It hurt like a bitch. The doc said I'll prolly get it off in 3 weeks, and after that I'll wear a brace for a while. Also highschool started yesterday too so I'm still figuring out my schedule which is hella complicated. I go to River Bluff High School, which is one of THE biggest schools. Lots and lots of walking.
   The picture is actually right after I got the cast bcz I didnt want y'all to see what it looks now bcz theres names and shit all over it😂 Oml can u see how swollen my hand was? Bcz it was. Really swollen. Anyways Ima try and update this weekend but no promises bcz tbh school just started and I'm tired af. So my bad. ah and sorry for any typos. Typing with one hand.      


^^Thats supposed to be there

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