Chapter 6~ Can I Kiss You?

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The next morning I wake up to a sleeping Killua right in my face. I study his sleeping face as I feel his warm breath brush across my lips. I look over at his angelic face. His long beautiful slanted eyelashes. His white fluffy hair hanging slightly over his eyes. I reach up and pull a strand of his soft white hair and gently tuck it behind his ear. I let my hand fall to his cheek and then I allow my thumb brush over his soft plump lips.

I continue to stare at him until his eyebrows start to twitch and his eyes flutter open. He stares at me wide eyed with those giant ocean blue orbs. He blinks a few times before he realizes how close we are and he blushes a deep scarlet all over. I then realize that my hand is still on his cheek and my thumb is still resting on his bottom lip. I quickly pull my hand a way and I blush all the way to the tip of my ears.

Killua stays there frozen, eyes wide, while still blushing deeply. "G-Gon?" He calls my name sounding surprised but I can still hear the sleepiness in his voice. "G-Good morning Killua," I said trying to act like nothing had happened. "W.......What were you" He asks me and I tense up not knowing how to answer. "I-I-I don't k-know.......I j-just.....sorry." With that I jumped out of bed and walked as fast as I could to the bathroom, my face still a deep shade of red.

I turn on the water in the sink and splash my face with cold water a few times. I stare at my self for a few moments as the water drips off my face and down into the sink. After I'm completely calmed down and my face is no longer red, I open the bathroom door and walk out. I glance at the bed and then around the room to see where Killua is.

I don't see him so I walk out of the bedroom and the smell of eggs and bacon fill my nose. "Killua?" I call out as I walk towards the kitchen. I stop when I see him there making breakfast. I stare at him for a minute until he looks up at me and then blushes. He looks back down and continues what he's doing. "Are.....are you hungry? I'm making breakfast." He says kind of quiet. "Y-yeah thanks, Killua," I say as I sit at the bar that's is directly in front of Killua.

I lay my chin in my palm and tilt my head slightly to the side as I watch him make us breakfast. He looks up again and we make eye contact and we both blush and he looks back down but I don't stop watching him.

After a little bit of awkward silence, he lays some food on a plate and puts it in front my. "Thank you Killua! It looks delicious." I say with a big smile and begin to eat. "I-Idiot! it's just eggs." He says while his face is flushed and he begins to make his own plate of food. He sits beside me and we begin to eat.


After we finish eating we decide to go out and walk around to try and find something interesting to do. So we check out of the hotel and start to walk around town to find something fun to do together. "Oh! I know! Hey, Killua!" I say and he looks at me. "What is it Gon?" He asks and he looks slightly confused and curious. "Let's Go swimming!" I say with a big toothy smile. I watch as those big blue orbs that I love to get big and filled with excitement. "Yeah, that sounds fun! But where are we gonna go?" He asks me and I smirk. "I know a place."

I grab his hand and run off dragging him behind me. "H-hey Gon! Slow down!" He calls out to me but I ignore him and continue running while holding his hand. His hand is a little smaller and it was warm and soft. Holding his hand made me feel really.....happy.

Once we reach the place I was taking him to I stop and let go of his hand. For a minute I watch him as he stares dumbfounded with wide eyes. After a while, he smiles and looks at me. "It's so pretty." I took him to a small pond I had visited before by myself.

I smiled back at him blushing a little from the warm happy smile he had just given me. "Well, lets go!" I reach down crossing my arms to grab the bottom of my gray T-shirt and lift it up and pull it over my shoulders. I slide off my shorts leaving me just in my boxers. I look over to Killua and see him in the exact same place staring at me, his face a bright red.

I watch his eyes as the dart to places all over my body. He continues to do that until he finally reaches my face and we make eye contact, and he realizes that I had been watching him the whole time while he was obviously checking me out.

Without saying anything else I climb up into a tree that has a tree that hangs over the water and I jump with a laugh and a big splash. "COME ON KILLUA! IT FEELS GREAT!" I watch as Killua blushes hard and then starts to undress. "IM COMING! J-JUST STOP STARING AT ME!" he yells back as I continue to stare at him.

His slim body. His pale, soft looking skin. His angelic face. His big, blue, mesmerizing orbs that I adored so much. It was torture. Not being able to touch him......kiss him.......I wanted him to be mine. I wanted him all to my self. I continued to watch him with a serious look on my face.

He stared down, avoiding making eye contact as he blushed and started to walk deeper into the water. My eyes never left him as he got deeper and deeper. He looked at me with a confused look while he was still lightly blushing. "Gon?" Without saying anything I splashed him in the face as hard as I could completely wetting any part of him that might be dry.

He stared at me with a death glare as his now soaking wet hair dripped down. I threw my head back and busted out laughing while holding on to my stomach. While I was laughing I didn't notice Killua jumping at me Pushing me down into the water. I came up my spiky hair now some what flatter.

We continued to swim for a while until it started to get dark so we decided to get out. We made a fire to warm ourselves up and hopefully dry us off faster. For a while, we didn't talk. We both just stayed quite laying down right by each other and looking up at the stars. I sat up a little bit and looked over at Killua. I stared at his eyes. You could see all the bright stars reflecting in his Blue orbs.

I sat up all the way still looking at him. He noticed and looked over to me. "What is it Gon?" I stayed silent and just continued to stare straight into his eyes. The white haired boy just stared back and blushed not knowing what to say. Then I said with as much of a straight face as I could, "Can I kiss you?"

**Sorry about not updating lately. I had friends over, and dentist appointment, a doctor appointment, and a bunch of other BS so I just didn't feel like writing. But then I was like whatever so yeah here you go. Lmao I'm tired af.**

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