Chapter 2~ Reunion

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Killua POV

   I accept Gon's offer and we decide on a time and place. Turns out he is in a nearby town, so we decided to meet tomorrow at 12:00 pm and get lunch together. I walk home and once I reach my small, but comfortable apartment I unlock the door and go inside. It was about 7:30 so I stripped off all my clothes, leaving them lying all over the floor. I walk into the bathroom and turn the water on in the tub. As it's filling up I took some bubble bath and poured almost half of the bottle in the tub. While I wait for it to fill up, I go back into the room to grab my phone out of the pocket of my tan colored pants, which are still lying on the floor. I unlock it and go to my messages. I re-read the message that Gon sent me which made my heart beat faster and heat rise to my cheeks.

   I walk back into the bathroom, still butt naked, and open up iTunes to play some music while I'm in the bath. Once the tub fills up I turn the water off and click on a playlist. I set my phone down on the counter upside down so the speaker is facing up so I'll be able to hear the music better. I step into the bath and sink myself into the water as the bubbles surround me. I hum along to the music as I relax and soak in the bath.

   I stay in the bath until the water starts to get cold. I step out and grab one of the towels beside the tub and wrap it around my waist and use the other one to dry my hair. I change into the clothes I'll sleep in and crawl on to the bed. I completely wrap myself in the blankets and clothes my eyes, trying to get some sleep. I don't know how long I was laying there before I realized that even though I had a long and tiring day I can't sleep at all because I'm too excited and nervous about seeing Gon tomorrow. I lazily roll out of bed and walk into the kitchen. I open the fridge and pull out the carton of milk. I drink straight from the carton then put it back into the fridge and walked back to my room and crawled back into bed. I lay there for a second staring at the ceiling before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


   when I wake up I jump out of bed then check my phone to see what time it is. When I realize it only 8:30 I hunch over and let my arms hang down. I sluggishly walked into the kitchen and grab the box of frosted flakes and a bowl. I go to the fridge and pull out the carton of milk and set it next to the bowl. I pour my cereal and milk in the bowl then grab a spoon from the drawer and slowly walk over to the living room. I set the bowl on the coffee table and plop myself down on the couch. I grab the remote and turn on the TV. I start eating my frosted flakes while watching SpongeBob.

   After I finish my cereal I turn the TV off and put my bowl in the sink. I walk over to the bathroom and take a quick shower before changing into what I'm going to wear for the day. It's now 11:00 so I decide to leave and go walk around until its time to meet up with Gon. We agreed that we would meet up at a Café and 12:00 so I still have a whole hour before I get to see him. I start to feel nervous about seeing him as I walk around the local market. I try to picture what Gon looks like now after all the time. I picture him being a little shorter than me, with the same big brown honey colored eyes and greenish dark brown hair with his innocent smile. I see him being a little thin like he always has been with the same cute little butt. I blush as I continue to walk around thinking about him.

   After spacing out for a while and bumping into a few people I pull out my phone to check what time it is. It's about 11:45 so I start walking towards the Café we are supposed to meet at while still blushing and thinking about Gon. I wonder if he is as nervous as I am about seeing each other again and what he will think about me when he sees me. I'm only a little bit above average height and I have a slender and slightly thin frame but still decently muscular. My legs and arms are a little long and my face is slightly more defined than it was when I last saw Gon.

   I arrive at the Café at 11:50 so I'm still 10 minutes early. I walk in and get a table and order a chocolate milkshake while I wait for Gon to get here. While I'm waiting and sipping on my milkshake I start to think and realize that this is kind of like me and Gon are on a date. I feel my entire face go red. I cover my face with my hair and try to calm down and cool off before someone notices. While I continue sipping on my milkshake I get lost in thought before I know it until I hear someone calling my name. "Killua? Is that you?" I look up to see a tall man wearing brown jeans and a white T-shirt that shows all of his perfectly defined muscles very clearly. His jeans are a little tight fitting showing his perfect legs. He has a beautifully defined face with sculpted cheek bones and an amazingly sharp jawline. As I continue to stare I notice his spiky, greenish dark brown hair and his honey brown eyes. I feel my face burn when he calls my name again. "Killua? It's me, Gon!" He says smiling. "G-Gon?!" I say surprised at his unbelievably attractive appearance. N-No fair! He is so h-hot! I think to my self still staring at him.

   I let my eyes travel down his body once more and stop once I reach his jeans and notice his bulge. I stare for a few more seconds before looking back up at Gon and make eye contact. That's when I realize that I've obviously been staring at his dick for almost a full minute and I feel my entire face turn burning hot. I quickly look away and go back to my milkshake. "H-hey Gon," I say not making eye contact. "Killua? Are u feeling okay? Your whole face is red." He says as he sits across from me. "I'm fine!" I say with a reassuring smile. "It's nice to see you again. You've changed a lot." I say trying to stay cool. " Yeah haha! should we order something to eat?" He asks me smiling. I nod in agreement.

**Next chapter is probably going to be Gon's POV since so far its only been Killua's. I'm gonna update this probably almost everyday. I wasn't gonna update today but I got bored soooo:)))) Oh and don't forget to check out that amazing cover art up there.😂**

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