Chapter 3~ I Wanna Touch Him

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When we were younger, Killua was the most important thing to me. He was my best friend. I'm already fully aware of my feelings towards Killua although at first, I denied it all. I was sure I was only interested in girls and even though I kept telling myself that, the way I felt towards Killua didn't change. I tried looking at other guys and I felt nothing. To be honest, I wasn't really interested in women either. I only felt this kind of feeling to Killua and I eventually admitted it to myself. Every day my desire to see him grew. So I decided to contact him. I was extremely happy when Killua told me he wanted to see me too. We decided on a place to meet the next day. I honestly want to be more than friends with Killua but I don't want to risk our friendship. To me just being by his side is more than enough, so I don't mind being just friends with Killua.


After we agreed on the place we were meeting I walked back to the hotel I was currently staying at. After Killua and I separated I stayed home for a while with Aunt Mito, but I eventually left to travel again on my own. Once I'm back I take a quick shower and jump straight into bed naked and go straight to sleep even though I'm filled with excitement for tomorrow. I can't wait to see what he looks like now! I think to myself as I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up around 11:00 and jump out of bed feeling extremely energetic and I slide on my underwear and speed walk to the kitchen. I make myself some eggs, bacon, a cup of coffee, and sit down at the table to eat. I turn the TV on a flip to the news to check the weather for today. After I finished eating breakfast, I wash the dishes then finish getting dressed and head out the door. I turn in my room key to the hotel's front desk. I don't carry much stuff around with me but the things I do bring I put in my backpack which is now a bigger and slightly more modern than my old one. I walk happily to the place we are supposed to meet with a big smile on my face. Once I start to near the café I start to feel really nervous and blush a little bit. I eventually get to the front door and pause for a second to cool off and relax my nerves.

I open the door and walk in and scan the room for any silver haired, Blue eyed guys. My eyes stop and I freeze when I see a long and slender framed, slightly thin guy with silver fluffy hair that is long enough to perfectly fall over his deep blue sapphire eyes, beautifully contrasting with his pale smooth skin. I stare for a little longer as he sips on his huge chocolate milk shake then I notice that his face begins to look flushed and then turn to a deep red.

I walk up to him and call his name "Killua? is that you?" He doesn't answer and I realize that he is completely spacing out and lost in thought. I call his name a few more times, louder each time. "Killuuaaaa!" I eventually get his attention and he stops for a minute looking surprised, then takes his lips off the straw to his smoothie and looks up at me. "It's me! Gon!" He doesn't say anything and just stares at me and looks me up and down a few times fully examining me and he stops at my jeans and doesn't look anywhere else for a while. I soon realize that he was staring at uh......That and I blush all across my cheeks and nose. Luckily I was able to cool down before he looked up to meet my eyes again. His face wasn't red anymore but after staring at me for a while it turns bright red again. He quickly turns away going back to his milkshake and says in a seemingly calm voice "H-hey Gon. Y-you changed a lot." I chuckled quietly to myself when I heard him stutter.

I ask him if he isn't feeling well as I take a seat across from him assuming it was meant for me. Of course, I realized that wasn't the reason his face was red, but I don't want him to know that I realized so he wouldn't get any more embarrassed. I can tell he is trying his best not to make eye contact and is seemingly at a lost for words so to hopefully make him feel less nervous I ask "should we order something to eat?" with a warm smile. He blushes a little and agrees. He is really unfair. Blushing and acting all nervous and cute around me makes me want to touch him. He's so adorable....I just wanna be able to touch him. I think to myself as I watch him order a chocolate filled croissant and a refill on his milkshake.

**Sorry this ones kinda short but I figured I should update since I said I would so I wrote this real quick. Sorry for any grammar mistakes or if the dialogue is a little off😅**

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