Chapter 8~ Liar~

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Killua and I already decided that we would walk around and figure out where we wanted to travel together first last night on our way home. I wake up the next morning and look over at the still sleeping Killua. Last night....... I feel the heat rise to my face as I replay the events of the previous night in my head.

Thinking back, I might have gone a little too far. But it's not all my fault, right? Killua was being unfair. When he looked at me I could see his deep blue eyes were hazed and filled with lust, and a hot pink painted across his pale cheeks. When I noticed he was hard, I felt some what responsible so I took advantage of the opportunity.

I had to do something. I was barely able to control myself. I wonder if he's gonna be mad when he wakes up. I thought to myself as I throw the blankets off of myself and start to stand up out of bed. "Hey, Killua! You need to start waking up so we can get going." I say raising my voice a little to wake him up.

I hear him groan and look back at him to see him rolling over facing his back to me. I walk to the end of his bed and grab his blanket and yank it off of him. "Gonnnnnn~ It's cold give it baaack." He says in a still half asleep voice. "Hehe Nope. You have to get up Killua." I laugh at his cute actions as I watch him grab around for the blanket. Finally, he seems to give up trying to find the blanket and instead just scrunches up in a ball. "So cute..." I say in a half whisper voice to myself as I feel myself blush a little.

I shake my head and turn away from him. "I'm gonna go take a shower. If you're not out of bed when I'm done, I'm gonna have drag you out Killua." I hear him growl a bit and I chuckle as I make my way to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and undress. I step into the shower and wash my body, as well as my spiky, greenish black hair.

I grab the towel off the towel rack and dry my hair off some then lay it around my neck. I use the other towel to wrap around my waist and walk back out into the bedroom. I look over to Killua's side of the room to see him still lying in bed, scrunched in a ball. I chuckle to myself and then walk over to change into my clothes.

"Gon?" I hear Killua say my name and I turn almost all the way around as he sits up and looks at me while rubbing his eyes. I stay silent as he continues to fully wake up. Now that both of his eyes are fully open I watch as he scans me up and down. His whole face starts to glow red as he reaches behind him grabbing a pillow and then shoving it in his face.

"I-Idiot! Put some clothes on Gon!" I grab the towel from around my neck and dry myself off some more. "Haha sorry Killua," I say to him as I start to put on my clothes. He scoffs. "What are you laughing at?!" He says lifting his head from the pillow but then quickly puts it back down when he sees that I still don't have a shirt on.

"Nothing. Your just so cute, Killua." I say teasingly with my back towards him and even though I wasn't looking at him I know that he had lifted his head up. I slide my shirt over my head and then look back at him and watch as his face quickly turns from surprise to a deep shade of crimson red.

He throws the pillow at my face. "Idiot Gon! I'm not cute!" I burst out laughing and Killua seems to turn even redder, if that was even possible. "S-Shut up." He scoffs and then stands and walks to the bathroom. I hear the water start running and I walk out of the bedroom and plop on the couch.

Killua exits the bedroom after he has showered and got dressed. "Are you hungry Killua? Let's go get something to eat while we think about where we want to travel first." He nods in agreement and we grab our stuff and walk out of the room we were staying in. We take the elevator down to the first floor and I had the key to the lady at the front desk.


We decide to get some pancakes at a breakfast joint we are passing by. We sit down at a table and order our food. We talk about random things and have a few laughs while we're eating. I love seeing Killua laugh, seeing him smile...... I smile and stare at him as he starts talking about one time he and Alluka were at a carnival and he won a huge stuffed bunny for her.

"It had a pink bow and its fur was white and fluffy and really soft." He explains while making hand gestures. "White and fluffy.....just like ur hair, Killua!" I say with a big grin on my face as I point to the white, fluffy haired boy. He blushes and tries to cover his hair with his hands. "So what! You got a problem with it?" He looks away while blushing and playing with his bangs a little.

"No....I don't. I love your hair." He jumps a little and looks back at me with those mesmerizing, deep blue, glowing eyes. "W-What?" I reach across the table and run my long fingers through his soft and fluffy white hair. "Your hair is perfect, Killua." He blushes and stares back at me wide eyed, are faces now inches apart.

"I-Idiot." He looks down away from me and places his hand on my chest and he hesitantly tries to push me back. "Killua...You're not even trying to push me away." I hear him make a small, quiet gasp and I feel a small smirk start to form on my lips. "Do you want me to do it again?" He looks at me with a confused expression after I say that. "Do what?" He asks, his warm hand still placed on my chest. "Kiss you." He immediately reacts and pushes me away. He's silent for a second before speaking up again. "N-Not here." He says looking down at the table, avoiding eye contact.

"But you do want me to do it again." I stare at him, feeling a devious smirk pulling at my lips. "He jumps a little again and turns the reddest I've ever seen him. "IDIOT! I didn't say that!" He yells the first part, earning us a few stares from the people around us in the place were eating. But most people didn't notice. Killua notices and sinks down a little, and I can see that he's embarrassed.

I enjoy seeing Killua flustered, a lot, but I feel a little bad. "Sorry Killua, I was just teasing you a lit-" He cuts me off. "Gon." I look at the still blushing Killua who is also still avoiding eye contact. "I do want you to do it again. Just not here." He continues to blush wildly. I feel my face burn with heat and I turn to hide my flustered expression but it doesn't work.

He looks up at me surprised and then I see him smirk at me which surprised and caught me a little off guard. "Oh? Is Gon flustered?" I quickly reply while attempting to regain my composure. "N-No." I accidentally stutter and immediately regret it and curse to myself in my head. "Haha! You're lying! Liar~ " He laughs and then continues. "Gon's embarrassed." Does he start talking in an almost......seductive voice? "Shut up." I scoff and pay for the meal. "Make me~," He says while giggling but stops once I reach and grab his wrist pulling him outside.

I drag him behind me almost running, looking for a place to hide, away from people's views. "G-Gon what are you-" I cut him off by pressing my lips roughly against his after pulling him into a shaded alley. At first, I can tell he is too surprised to move but he soon starts to move and kiss back.

Our kisses quickly turn more and more heated. I lick his bottom lip, asking for an entrance. He quickly parts his lips and I slide my tongue into his mouth. Our tongue's wrestle as we explore each other's warm mouth's, but I stop and pull away from the kiss once I realize my pants are beginning to grow tight and I'm also running out of air.

We stay quiet while trying to catch our breath until I smile and whisper in his ear. "I made you shut up." Our bodies are still pressed together and I feel him shiver from my breath tickling his ear. I slide my hand down letting it trail his back and grope his ass.

He gasps and I feel his grip on my shoulders tighten. I look back up to meet his lust full eyes. Even though I don't want to, I smile and pull my body away from him. Knowing that I have to stop now. Because If I don't stop now, I won't be able to.

**Yeah sorry for not updating for a while I was hanging out with some people and I ended up at the skating rink a lot this week and I even did some roller derby with some friends so I was hella fucking tired. Also high school starts back soon so I have no idea how often I'm gonna be able to update. I just gotta get used to my fucked up schedule. I'll prolly use some of my ILT's to write. Maybe. Idk.**

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