Last Night

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I was flying

Uncaged and free

No white walls to hold me

And the world was below

I landed and lived on my life

As it was supposed to go

I finished school

Diploma in hand

Scholarship ahead

Went on to be a master

On paper at least

Met a charming young mister

Who swept me off my feet

And mother held her grandkids

Bright laughs on their lips

Last, I lay on my deathbed

Surrounded by those I loved

And who still loved me

And smiling, I did ascend

There life met its end

And then I woke up

And I wept

What cruel star

Stole this from me?

No star, I decided

I lived as I lived

And I'll die as I'll die

Be it by

A needle and a poison

Perhaps instead of what fate I dreamed

That is the life I lead

And I lead it

I do

I do

I do

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