The Visitor

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I saw him last night

He was in my room

Or in my mind

It's all the same anymore

And his eyes were closed

The way they were

When my knife thrust through his heart

But I knew beneath

Lay the black bleak pits

That threatened to swallow

My bright existence

And he spoke

In that same sadistic voice

He only used with me

But I deigned not to divine his meaning

-You're gone- I told him quietly

-You died I saved myself-

My voice rising steadily

Yet he remained

I knew not why

But suddenly my fluttering heart

Just gave up

I cared not what he did to me

Death I would greet freely

More than him that scared me

But on this night all passions

Fair or foul

Drained from my soul

-You win- I whispered to him

-You win-

Like that

The specter disappeared

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