Last Hope

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I made a deal

With the demons

Who in white coats, disguise

Their horns and tails and pointy teeth

And dark red, deadly eyes

I made them promise

If I sang

They would give to me

A precious set of golden keys

Keys that unlocked every door

From here to far my home

Or if I wished

They would assist

By giving keys to free my soul

They frowned at that

And with simpering tongue

Argued I was much too young

Much too young to die

But they would walk along with me

Hand in hopeful hand

Past these awful iron gates

If only I would sing to them

The song my soul so hates

I looked them deeply in the eye

To decipher how much truth there lay

But how can any but a deity

Tell if demons lie?

So I laid my hopes

Upon the hand

That shook the demon's claw

And opened up my mouth to sing

The song that would end them all. 

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