The News

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A man in a white coat came into my room

Not my old room

Or the room I had when I first

Came here

No, they gave me

A new one

With a bed

Chairs, table

A window


Books to read

Almost like a home

With a door that locks from the outside

But a man came to my room

Dr. White

A time ago

I would have laughed

Dr. White

White like everything else here

But no more

My world is rational

My world is ordered

No hysterical giggling

Over nonsense anymore

This man came to my room

I said hello

It's what they expect

I asked how long I've been here

He says almost a year

But no, I say

I didn't mean the room

I meant the


He says four and I ask


For a calendar

It'd give the days

A little more sense

He agrees

He doesn't see why not

But he says I won't really need it

Well, I know that

I reply

I learned long ago

I don't need much of anything

But it'd be nice

But no, this man who came into my room

He says I'm being released



Just a month or two

Because I've been


He just wanted me to know

Then the man who came into my room


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