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#FakeNews #CrookedHillery #LyingNYTimes #AlternativeFacts It's the steady drumbeat of attacking another view without want or need of actual fact. We have become accustomed not only to the partisan rhetoric that suits just one way of being but of putting selfish needs and wants first.  We have gobbled up the liberal or conservative bullet points instead of being critical of the news and so called facts being fed to us. I have to admit, I am sick of it.  I am tired of the negativity of the news. I am saddened by the news loop of hate of bashing one side or the other and it has to change, but many of us are lost as to what we can do to change it.

I am a huge fan of Ted Talks because it is a great way for people who normally wouldn't get together to hear about each other's issues they are trying to tackle.  The hope is that instead of a surgeon talking to a room of doctors, that if you add in a few engineers or even Joe Shmoe, may be a new idea can come from it to solve a lingering issue.  Basically, if you bring in someone with a different background, you will get different ideas of how to solve the problem.  It's how our businesses have become so innovative... diversity and it is the cornerstone of America. I recently came across two fantastic Ted Talks that I think everyone should watch. I also think they should be required for anyone in government and nonprofits.

The Four Most Dangerous Words? A New Study Shows

In a world of  #FakeNews, let's push for evidence before we make policy that is the basis of Laura Arnold's talk.  She speaks of how our current society only encourages wild assertions without cold hard facts backing it up.  She also talks about why this is dangerous... short story because we are making policy on incorrect assumptions and you know what they say about assumptions.  Being critical of current policy doesn't mean you are being a dick.  You are ensuring that society has actual proof for the amazing results they found and that it is not driven by trying to get published or getting tenure somewhere so they can feed their family.

 If these policies worked, our crime stats would be low, education would be top in the world, and no one would be hungry in a country with billions of dollars. So we have to cut programs that Don't work. However, we need smart legislation. You can't repeal and replace ACA without health care that WILL work. We can't do that without facts on what actually works. We must address the issues with the current policy and come up with ways to fix those.  Maybe the answer isn't the ACA and maybe it is; however, we will never be able to move forward if all we are doing is shouting at the top of our lungs that the other side doesn't care about you and is secretly run by the Illuminati or George Soros or whatever the rhetoric is now.  

 We also can't do anything about it unless everyone gets involved in governing our society. That means you need to go into your community and get involved. If you want to see fewer animals in the shelters, get involved with rescues. But let's also look at the causes of why we have so many animals being dumped. How can we stop it if we don't know why it happens?  We don't need a continuation of assumptions of why it happens, but actual hard facts. Right now we are putting a towel over a sucking chest wound trying to stop it. It is doing nothing for the reason of the wound in the first place. The towel will mop up the blood, but it won't stop the bleeding. 

Partisan Rhetoric Is for Losers

The mayor of Tulsa is speaking to every one of us.  His Ted Talk gives us a direction of how we can make a change in a very local way.  If we spread this message across the US, we might actually have a chance at changing the culture in politics and it is needed more than ever. We CAN change how we want our reps to move forward. The status quo is not working.  It is actively deepening the divide so that people can't come together to actually fix our states and country... A great example of this is the current health care disaster. Another is those horrendous and hateful ads that are on repeat every ten minutes for three minutes at a time.  

I am tired of watching ads of people ripping each other apart, aren't you?  What do you think those ads do to us? If all you hear is that, how can you hear policy?  From the broader picture, how often is there a dystopia book or movie warning us of allowing the government to control its people instead of the other way around? How often have you felt frustrated because the people representing you, doesn't represent your interest? These things occur because we stay in our little safe bubbles. Burst it. It is not keeping you safe. We are in a downward spiral socially and economically; it is totally fixable, but not unless you make it change.  

Stop voting for people that attack people. I no longer want to get to the ballot box and have to try to decide which candidate is the worst of two evils.  We need to require our representatives to show us how they plan to fix the gaping hole in our healthcare, our economy, and our education. I want to know what they plan to do about crime and poverty.  I also want to see what studies they have found that support whether or not that policy will work and how they plan to prove it is working; so we can have a checklist to ensure they are keeping to their promises. 

Lastly, it's okay if something doesn't work as long as we can be flexible enough to keep changing. We must learn from it.  We need new ideas.  If something doesn't work, don't fund it. If something does work, let's put more money towards it.  For both scenarios, let's find out why. We can learn as much from our failures as our successes, but only if we look to the reasons why. Bring me your facts and stop the sucking chest wound of our news cycles.

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