These little hashtags pepper our lives. These are mine and how they represent me. At least that is how I wanted this book to be. It was to be a book of short articles using a hashtag as inspiration. However, it has grown and changed as I have.
My father shared a COPY & PASTE paragraph and so many things struck me when I was reading it. So being the outspoken daughter I am, I responded... line by line. Enjoy the read.
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Let's take this line by line
'R.I.P. America!!!' I have the same problem with this as I do #MAGA It alludes to a time that didn't exist. America has been clawing, fighting, and pushing for change since its inception. There has always been a group that has been ignored and treated as subhuman. This is something we are fighting to change.
'You are pansies!' I see America as fighters and protectors. Think of a Momma bear who is trying to protect her cub, but the politicians just made it ok to shoot the animal while they are hibernating. Backasswards shit like that is what we are fighting against. Standing up for what is right is a worthy cause and it is a mountain to die on. I want to ensure that all people have the same rights as everyone else. They should have the same opportunities.
'You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children (single parents stand no chance).' There are multiple reasons why this is a thing. Chiefly, the corporations aren't paying a living wage, student loans are out of control, there is no such thing as affordable healthcare, and for some reason, people don't want to help each other out. People do not want to need food stamps, but they also want to eat. Back in the day, a living wage could get you and your family a decent house, car, food on the table, and only one parent had to work. Now both people have to work, maybe a few kids too, and you will barely scrape by in a low-income apartment and ramen noodle dinners.
'You took God out of schools.' As it should be. With so many different religions out there and the fact that we want to promote critical thinking, not blind faith. Blind faith leads to people thinking that flat earth is a thing, that gravity doesn't exist, that cleanses work, that keto isn't dangerous, that you can survive on breatharianism, and that climate change isn't helped along by human greed.
'Parents were told 'No you can't discipline your kids'. Well, America, our kids are assholes. You shall reap what you sow, and we have lost a whole generation and turned them into rude, selfish, disrespectful brats who have no respect for people, property or authority!' Kids are always assholes. Every generation believes that the younger generation is selfish and disrespectful. I don't have kids nor would I want to bring any into a world like we have, but I will say that they are fighting an uphill battle against people are already cynical of their ideas. No one is listening to them and when they fight back, they are called entitled. No, they are just trying to ensure their voice is heard.
'You deemed people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to for work!!!' I haven't seen this, but I do agree that healthcare and affordable healthcare should be available for everyone. We shouldn't bankrupt people just because their genetics gave them cancer. That being said, we also need to look at what the studies are saying about the dangers of meat and dairy protein. People are literally killing themselves and I wonder how many people know it?
'You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry but give out millions to foreign aid!!!' I don't think the problem is the millions going to foreign aid, but the amount of money we put into our military. While I do want to see that our military is funded as appropriate, we spend more than the next 12 countries. We are in a constant state of war. The America First mentality isn't healthy, but neither is warmongering. We can both be charitable and do better for our veterans as well as the other Americans that are homeless and hungry.
'You save drug addicts over and over again but refuse to give free diabetic supplies.' Free healthcare for ALL #EnoughSaid
'You bend over backwards (sic) to be politically correct, too scared to say enough is enough, in case you offend.' Most of the PC crap is made up by the media like the fake war of Christmas. However, I will say that when someone says something that is hateful or full of dipshittery, they should have consequences. You have a right to say whatever you want, and our constitution ensures you won't be jailed for it without just cause. That doesn't mean you don't have to deal with the social consequences because you are being a jerk. My advice, 'don't be a douche' and you have nothing to worry about. If you say something that is offensive and someone calls you out on it, use it as an opportunity to discuss why its offensive. Don't dismiss their side without first understanding where they stand and how they got there.
'You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop!!' People are living longer than ever. This issue isn't the retirement age, but the fact that people don't have a living wage, the opportunity to go up the financial ladder is minimal, and the cost of healthcare is absurd.
'People depend on handouts and food banks, whilst we give aid to others who can work for it.' There is a misnomer here. The majority of people who take handouts and food banks are people who work. Studies show that the majority of food stamps are used by full or part-time workers. If the corporations paid a living wage, the government wouldn't need to supplement it. These are the same corporations that get huge tax cuts and they are extremely wealthy. It's time for their greed to stop. They need to give back that money to the hardworking Americans out there.
Here's a state by state breakdown:
'Our retired generation rely on inadequate state pensions, their thanks for working hard.' I agree. Someone shouldn't work their entire lives putting money into a pension they were told they should have, only to have politicians rape the coffers. This mismanagement needs to stop.
'Things need to change!' Agreed! However, we need people to actually research the parts they are most concerned about. You can't trust media or random posts on social media. You should also add your two cents in things like this so that your voice is shared. Also, reach out to your REPS. Our country is supposed to be "By the People, For the People" not corporations and not by only the rich white dudes. We need a mentality shift. It shouldn't be survival of the fittest, but how can we help one and another succeed?
'And don't even get me started on the Me too (sic) movement.' Awareness is key. You have three daughters, all of which have their own #MeToo stories. ALL THREE. This is a problem. Women are not less than men. Men are not less than women. Gender does exist and it's a beautiful spectrum. We should listen to each other instead of dismissing one's point of view. No person should falsely be accused. No person should have to deal with people who are being assholes. Unwanted sexual advances are NOT appropriate and they have a right to speak up or go to HR if they don't feel comfortable to approach the offender. Women do this too. If we want equality and equity, we must not pretend that this is a one-sided issue.
'Baby, it's cold outside! HEAR ME?! BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE!' This is a song about gossip and the social stigma we put on women that take control of their sexual identity. It is not a rape song. The social context and history of the time this song was written is very important. Education is needed for clarification. Once people understand the history of that era's social constructs, people stop being offended. It's a great conversation starter. Not only can you teach each other about how its okay to take control of your sexual identity, but you can also have a conversation about how now people actually have nail polish that changes color if there is a date rape drug in your drink... think about that... we live in a society where THAT is a thing.
'Copy & paste if you have the guts too!!' Not without my two cents. Let's add to the conversation instead of letting others speak for us. These are nuanced topics that cannot be summed up in a few sentences. Add in statistics, articles, and your opinion. This way it doesn't perpetuate bad ideas. Let's engage with each other and encourage these types of conversations. #HealthCare #LivingWage #JoinTheConversation