Ch3:Exposition and fights

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Gajeel's pov

I walked over to the stadium of the grand magic games with Shrimp, Lily and Phoenix, when I spotted a figure collapsed in the middle of the field.

I looked at Shrimp then ran out to see who it was but was shocked to see my sister was the one lying their but she had a strange black mark over her right eye. I picked her up bridal style and headed towards the infirmary.

I walked up to the door and kicked it open very hard and Porlyusica looked up at me and became angry. "What do you think you are doing, don't you now how to knock" she shouted picking up a nearby broom and swinging it in the air.

She stopped swinging the broom when she noticed that Starlight was in my arms. "Put her on this bed" she ordered, pointing at a bed near sky girl and the white cat. I did as I was told, not wanting to anger this crazy lady anymore then she already was.

"What happened" she asked, already looking over Starlight for anything that would need t be healed while Phoenix and Lily climbed onto the bed.

"We're not sure. We found her passed out in the middle of the stadium" Shrimp replied to Porlyusica who was still checking Starlight for injuries, She then stopped after looking at her neck.

"What is it" I asked worried. "It seems she has a bite mark in her neck a well as a black dragon shaped mark that leads up to the mark on her face." Porlyusica explained.

"So someone was with her before we came" Shrimp asked. "Yes, it would seem that way and from how fresh the small amount of blood and the bite mark are I would say about 45 minutes ago" she replied to us.

"She'll be okay right" Phoenix asked looking between the old hag and Starlight. "Considering the amount of times the two of you have come to me with injuries from jobs far worse then a small bite on the neck then I'm sure she'll be fine" Porlyusica replied.

"Wait you've been injured on jobs" Lily asked to which Phoenix nodded in reply. I started to ball my hands into fist while Porlyusica walked over to her medicine.

"When I get my hands on the guy who did this, I'm going to kill him" I snarled. "I don't understand why you need to kill someone over a bite mark." Lily questioned. "That's not the problem. The problem is.............." I started but was interrupted by Phoenix.

"She has been marked by a dragon slayer meaning that she can no longer chose someone to be her mate or romantic partner since all dragon slayers can only have one mate in their life which is why its a problem and it also means that once a mate is marked then a link is formed between the two and they can feel the emotions the other is feeling and sometimes they can feel each others pain physically and emotionally" Phoenix explained leaving the rest of us speechless.

"When did you learn about the mating of a slayer because that is exactly what I was going to say" I questioned, shocked that she knew all this. "Oh I read it in one of Starlight's books which she took from a library and it was about the mating of dragon slayers and involved other stuff about dragons and dragon slayers" she replied.

"Ugh" a groan came from Starlight and her starting to sit up with her hand on her head. "Starlight, your awake" Phoenix called happily, leaping into Starlight's chest who started to stoke the fur between the Exceed's ears.

"What's going on, when did I get here" she asked in a confused tone. "We brought you here after we found you passed out in the stadium" Lily replied.

Suddenly the door crashed open to reveal Bunny Girl, Titania, Ice Freak, Salamander's cat and Salamander who was the one who kicked the door open. "Why won't you kids knock these days" Porlyusica yelled, grabbing the same broom that she had swung at me and Shrimp and swung it in the air at the new comers.

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