3~ New Man

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Keep Calm and Get To Know Me

Chapter 3


May 10, 1990- Thursday

Last Friday, everyone in the group except for London and Charolette went to the drive in to watch the new movie Short Time. We drove in Arcturus and Ottis' jeep with our food under the seats. The movie wasn't great at all but everyone loved it of course.

I jumped off of the top of the roof of the car and went to find the restroom but, the sound of my wolf screaming 'mate' directed me to the line for popcorn. In front of me was my mate. I looked at him from the bottom up. He had on a pair of white Air Jordan with blue jeans held up with a brown belt, and he wore a white button-up shirt with a blue denim jacket that had its collars up. He had a strong jawline, piercing brown eyes and big, brown hair filled with curls.

"Hello?" he said with questioning voice.

I realized I was staring and replied, "Sorry for staring, you just have a nice face." He had a bemused expression on so I quickly said, "It's a compliment, calm down."

"Thank you?" he responded in a wary tone.

"No problem," I answered and motioned for him to move up the line. "So you're a human."

"Aren't we all?" he answered with the same discreet look. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"Nope, but you can try to get to know me," I offered.

"Alright. What's your name?" he asked.

"What's yours?" I shot back.

"Chris," he said but I knew it was a lie.

"That not true. Why would you lie about your name?" I confronted.

"How do you know Chris isn't my name?"

"Because you just told me," I answered with a smile.

"Darn," he laughed.

"Move up!" The man behind me yelled.

Before I could turn around and tell the man to shut up, we walked up and my mate honestly stated, "My name is Jason."

I nodded my head and replied, "Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Do you come to these drive-ins regularly?"

"No. I'm third wheeling for my friend. He's on a date," Jason explained.

"Okay. Do you at least like the movie?" I asked.

"To be honest, I don't. My friend went nuts when he heard Dabney Coleman and Teri Garr were in it but I couldn't care less."

We moved up again. "I would say the same. I came with my group of friends but I'm not a fan of the movie. Last time we were here, we saw Miami Blues,"

"The one with Alec Baldwin?" Jason asked.

"Yep. Didn't care for that one either."

"Sir, your order please," the man behind the counter asked Jason.

"I'll like one large and one medium." He looked over at me and suggested, "You know, I can buy you your bag of popcorn, my treat for you."

"No thanks," I denied. "I'm capable of buying my own popcorn." I glanced over Jason's shoulder and told the man, "I'll like a small please."

We grabbed our popcorn after handing the man our money and started walking. "Where are we going to?"

"My friend's car. I just need to drop off this popcorn and I'll be right back," he said.

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