5~ Wake Me Up

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Keep Calm and Be Unstable

Chapter 5


May 19, 1990- Saturday

To summarize the whole night, Jason willing came to the pack house and my two back-stabbing friends went and ruined the night. Then I went off on them, turned all evil and shifted into my wolf. Then before I could rip their petite hearts out, Jason called out my name. I turned around to face the entire pack with frightened looks and a petrified mate. He ran into the house and I heard the sound of his car engine as he drove off. Before I knew it, a sharp pain hit my side making me faint.

"Wake up!" I heard Cinder called out and a loud crash engulfed around me.

I slowly opened my eyes and heard Rena say, "Can you please be a little nicer Ella?"

"After what she did last night?" Rebecca reminded.

I groaned as I lifted myself off the floor and looked around the place. My parents, siblings and "friends" were there. "Why am I in a cell and how long have I been here?" I asked them.

"A day and you almost killed us last night," Charolette suggested.

"Oh, I remember now," I sighed and continued. "You too imbeciles couldn't mind your business."

Mother walked up to the bars and clarified, "Honey your other side came out and we had no choice. We didn't know what you were going to do. Your father and I are going to get you out of here once we know you're back to normal"

"Well I'm not about to kill anyone so you all can take a breath," I suggested.

They stood there like standing statues on a stage. After a minute, Mother grabbed the key from Father and unlocked my cell. They were still silent and looked as if they were anticipating something. I stepped out and looked at their faces and yelled, "Boo!" They all jumped back and I chuckled. "You all need to relax."

After we walked out of the cells, we ate together in the dining room and I broke the uncomfortable silence when I asked Father, "When do I start my training?"

"Nina, let's enjoy the food that our cooks prepared," he replied.

"You've been avoiding my question for weeks," I confronted.

"You see I think that you shouldn't be our next leader," he answered.

"Yes!" Cinder exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes at her and asked, "Why not? I'm older than Ottis, Rena, and Arcturus."

"By ten minutes," Ottis reminded.

"Well, what if you find your mate?" Mother added.

"I already did," I answered and frowned at the thought of what happened last night. He probably doesn't want to talk to me again.

"He's a human," Sear stated.

"What if he doesn't want to be the Alpha?" Wyatt asked.

"Well, I can do it on my own," I mentioned.

"I don't know about that, honey," Mother added. "With your condition, you never know."

"You saw what happened yesterday," Chris said.

"The leader of the pack shouldn't be unstable," Father stated.

"I am not unstable. The last time that happened was four years ago. I know how to control myself," I explained.

"Even at that, the pack needs an Alpha," Cinder said.

"No one asked for your opinion and the pack needs a leader. It doesn't matter if it's female or male," I responded.

"Well with women, one small thing could happen and they might start a war," Arcturus mentioned.

"Aren't all wars between packs started by a man?" I asked.

"Nina's got a point," Rena agreed. "Even if you can control yourself and be a good leader, can you live without your mate?" 

I stared at the wooden table trying to find an answer. I can live without him, right? I've done it for nineteen years. Father cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Nina, we'll see how the next few weeks unravel. If you don't kill or try to kill anyone then I'll be more comfortable with you being our future leader."

"What!" Cinder whined.

"Yes! I won't kill anyone but keep those three away from me," I said and pointed to Cinder, Rebecca, and Charolette.

After dinner, Charolette came up to me and asked, "Nina, I know you are mad but can you please forgive me."

"No," I answered and gave her a look as if she was a lunatic.

"Look I didn't mean for things to get so messy," she begged.

"No Charolette. You shouldn't have-"

"Told Jason about your double personalities. I know," she finished.

"Then why did you do it?" I asked and waited for her answer which never came. "Charolette, I need to sleep so is there anything else you want to say?"

"I'm sorry and I want to make sure we're still friends," she stated.

I laughed and replied, "Were we friends or did you happen to be my brother's friend's mate?" With that, I walked past her and headed to my room.



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