6~ Happier

11 3 0

Keep Calm and Explain Clearly

Chapter 6


May 23, 1990- Wednesday

Tomorrow is the full moon and Father is letting me search the borders and the woods with the others tomorrow. I had to promise him that I won't freak out on anyone just so he would let me.

Last week, all my wolf could do was whine because our mate was afraid of us. I didn't like the feeling of yearning someone's opinion about me. I really missed him and how I felt when I was with him. I felt stupid for missing the way he would go on and on about the stars, galaxies and the universe. How he would dance to Madonna and the way he's laugh rung in my ears.

I detested the way I felt. If he doesn't want to be the Alpha of the Diamond Stone Pack, I would have to learn to live without him and I don't think it's going to be simple. 

This Monday, I apologized to Veronica for what I said at the party and we laughed it off and talked about our English teacher, Mr. Sage who's been teaching for two years. He gave his students notebooks to complete for extra points in their grade. He said it's a new tradition he's starting.

When I returned from school that day, I was greeted by Mother. "How was school today?" she asked as usual. Sometimes I think she asks the question just to ask and not because she cares.

I sighed and replied, "Well, I didn't die from all of the intoxicating snobs at school so I'll say it was a success."

I began to walk to my room but halted abruptly when she stated, "Jason is here."

I slowly turned around and looked her dead in the eyes to make sure this wasn't a trick. "Did you say that Jason-"

"Is here," she interrupted. "He's in your father's office and wants to talk to you."

I goofy grin crept on my face and I rushed to take another shower and make sure I looked great for Jason. As I put on my blue jeans, the thought that he was here to break up with me stuck in mind.

Nina, I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry but I Jason Duowne reject you Nina Raeme as my mate.

I snapped out of my quick daydream. Most people have dreams at night but the last one I had was four years ago and it was more of a nightmare. I usually have quick daydreams out of nowhere. More things I don't understand about myself.

I turned away from the mirror in my bathroom so I would stop picking on myself and walked downstairs to Father's office. With every step, my heartbeat quickened and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Before I opened the door, I fixed my straight, black hair again and stopped when I realized how stupid I seemed. 

I turned the knob and walked into the office. Jason's scent made my head spin but, before I could turn to see my lovely mate, Father said, "You forgot to knock." I fought back an eye-roll and walked out of the room. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Father asked.

"Your daughter," I stated.

"Which one?"

"The better one," I answered and walked in the room. I turned to my right and found an uncomfortable Jason staring at me. My brain quickly recounted the events of that night and I brought my focus back to Jason.

"Hi Nina," he greeted and my heart leaped a little when I heard my name escape from his lips.

"Hey." We stay like that for a good minute staring at each other and searching for a conversation starter. 

"You two can take your staring competition outside," Father suggested.

The chagrin we felt drove us out of the office and into the hallway where I asked Jason, "Why are you here?"

He glanced at my eyes and I looked away. "I wanted to see how you were?"

"Is that it?" I questioned.

"I also wanted clarity," he answered honestly.

"What can I clarify?" I asked but felt that I shouldn't have asked that.

"Well you can start with what this place is and what you are," he replied.

"Wow, you're not holding back. What if we talk outside," I whispered as a group of teenagers passed us.

"I don't think I want to go into the woods with you," he declined.

I tried to hide how hurt I was about Jason losing his trust in me. "What's the hesitation about? Do you think I'll murder you and dig your grave?"

Jason seemed frightened and he took a step back and said, "I'll pass."

"It was a joke," I explained in a frustrated tone. "If you're still unsure, we can have my mother chaperon."

"Nina, I just want to understand what's going on."

"I'll tell you. We can sit in the living room," I assured, walked into the living room and told everyone to get out through the mind link. When we sat down I took in a deep breath and answered all of Jason's questions. About my condition, werewolves, mates, and positions in a pack.

"That doesn't make any sense," Jason said. "What if I lived in Australia and we never meet?"

"One day in our lives, we'll eventually meet. Mates find a way to find each other," I explained.

"What if you don't like your mate and you don't want them? What if your mate was a serial killer that murdered your parents?"

"That's a little dark," I commented. "In a case like that, you can reject your mate. The rejection breaks the bond but the excruciating pain could kill the person being rejected."

We talked for another hour until Mother forced him out of the house. I walked him outside and realized it was already nighttime. I looked up at the moon and Jason commented, "It's a full moon tonight."

I didn't bother correcting him but instead, before he got in his DeLorean, I said, "I am sorry I didn't tell you about everything. I was afraid of your reaction."

"No worries," he replied and turned around to get in her car but I stopped him again.

"You don't think I'm some kind of monster right?" I asked and mentally slapped myself once I realized how pathetic I sounded. 

Jason grabbed my hands and answered, "I'll have to get used to this but I don't think you are a monster in the slightest." 

He gave my hands a small squeeze and kissed my forehead. I smiled at his answer and gesture. I pulled his face closer and planted a kiss on his lips. "Good night."

"Good night, Nina," Jason stated. He got into his car and I watched him drive away until he wasn't in my eyesight anymore.

I had a huge smile on my face for the rest of the night because I finally felt happy with Jason again.



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