4~ One Night

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Keep Calm and Keep Secrets

Chapter 4


May 15, 1990- Tuesday

On Saturday the 5th, Mother, and Father announced to the pack that I found my mate and they made a huge deal out of it which annoyed me. Then on Friday the 10th, Ottis found his mate which turned out to be Sear. Poor him. My mother and father threw a party on Saturday the 12th to celebrate half their children finding their mate.

They made me invite Jason too which scared me more than him. I made the entire pack promise not to mention a word about us being werewolves because he deserves to hear it from me. 

"You didn't tell me that your father and sister were dwarfs," he pointed out after I introduced him to my parents and my siblings.

"I didn't think it was important," I replied with a shrug.

"What else do I not know about you?" he asked and lifted one eyebrow up.

"That's so cool how you can raise one eyebrow up. I can't, even if I tried," I changed the subject.

"It's genetics."

"Let me introduce you to my friends," I said and led him to the area they were sitting.

"This is Rebecca Ross. You're not going to like her," I whispered.

"I heard that," Rebecca angrily said.

"Good for you," I snapped back. "This is Sear Black, Ottis's mate."

"Mate?" Jason asked. 

"No, I mean girlfriend. She is his girlfriend," I quickly corrected. Jason nodded and smiled at them. "This is Veronica Campbell my amazing, best friend," I continued. "This is Wyatt Rosa and Cinderella Rosa and they are dating too." Jason raised one eyebrow again and I responded, "Yes her name is Cinderella and no it isn't incest, it's just a popular last name." After introducing him to the important people in the pack, he went to get us another can of Mountain Dew. 

"So," Veronica said while moving her eyebrows up and down.

"So what?"

"Jason? You want to talk about it?" She asked with a goofy grin.

"What is there to talk about? We're together and that's it," I explained as if it was obvious.

"Have you told him about the werewolf thing?"


"You might want to if you want to be the leader of the pack. You don't know if he wants to be the Alpha," Veronica whispered.

"V, we've been together for a week, I don't need to rush all the details," I reminded.

"What about your condition?" I gave her a warning look because she knows I don't like talking about it. "Don't look at me like that, don't you think he deserves to know."

"Stop it V, I don't need advice from a girl who's never been in a relationship." I had a certain feeling that made me want to take back what I said but I didn't since we were interrupted by Jason.

"I got you your Mountain Dew, Nina," he announced and handed my drink to me. 

"Thank you," I replied then opened it up and took a sip.

"Sorry, London. No, I mean Veronica. Did I get that right?" Jason asked Veronica and she nodded. "Well, can I take Nina away from you for a quick moment?"

Veronica got up from the sofa and stated, "Sure, we were done talking anyway."

I tried to shrug off the awkward atmosphere Veronica had just created and focused my attention back to Jason. "What do you want to talk about? The house, the people, the music?" I listed.

"No, no, no the music is rad. You know I love this song. Hey, hey, hey. Come on, vogue. Let your body go with the flow," he sang while snapping his fingers and moving his feet.

I chuckled and asked, "Then what's the problem?"

He sat down next to me on the sofa and remarked, "It's not an issue I just want to confirm something I heard."

I felt disquiet in that moment but covered it up with a smile, "What did you hear?"

"Well it might seem funny to you but Rebecca and Charolette- I think those are their names, they said you had double personalities." Everyone in the room stopped talking abruptly and the sound of Madonna's "Vogue" clouded the room. I knew they were listening to our conversation.

"What?" I asked as if it was unbelievable.

"I said the same thing. It's such a bogus statement," he laughed.

"Hey, I'm going to talk to Rebecca and Charolette for a quick moment." I stood up and walked outside of the house where, Chris, Charolette, Cinder, Wyatt, and Rebecca were.

"What the heck!" I shouted at them.

"Oh my gosh! What is it now, Nina?" Cinder whined.

"Butt out Cinder. This is between Rebecca, Charolette and I," I snapped.

Charolette and Rebecca had an expression on their faces as if they had been caught sneaking out. "Look, Nina, we didn't think-"

I caught Charolette off. "That's it. Ding! Ding! Ding! Charolette got it right. She wasn't thinking," I yelled.

"Nina you're drawing a crowd," Rebecca warned.

"You know you two really had the audacity to go behind my back and tell Jason that I had double personalities," I said with my tone increasing with every word.

"Nina." Rebecca cautiously said as if there was a ghost behind me.

"You know I never liked you Rebecca because you always thought you had everyone figured out but guess what you, ditz, you don't! You don't know it all!  Tonight you really showed me that you were never a friend to me," I continued.

"Nina," Rebecca repeated.

"No screw friends. You demonstrated that you don't have any respect for me. The truth is that I never liked you but I always respected you as a person at least."

"Nina you should really-"

I interrupted Charolette again. "No don't tell me what I should do. You know I would expect Cinder to do this to me because she detests me but you Charolette, seriously? We've always stayed out of each other's way so why would you of all people do this!" I screamed.

I felt a surge of rage overcome my body and my heart beat elevating. The same feeling I got when my so-called evil side came out four years ago.



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