10~ Runaway

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Keep Calm and Just Run Away

Chapter 10


June 30, 1990- Monday

Everything has been shattered and I'm going to make it right.

On the 22nd, I woke up from the same nightmare of Jason rejecting me. I went downstairs and announced, "Today is my first training!"

"Will you stop reminding us," Cinder said.

"There's no stopping me," I joked.

"Well there is a way," I heard her mumble before Wyatt immediately nudged her.

"What is that way?" I asked but she didn't reply. "That's what I thought."

"Can we go one day without your bickering?" Rebecca complained.

"Can we go one day without your irritated voice?" I shot back.

Mother glared at us and commanded, "Stop fighting before I tie you two together and make you get along."

Ask she scolded us, I remember a question I had that kept slipping out of my mind. "Oh Mother, do you want to know what I have been wondering?"

"Sure," she replied reluctantly not knowing what I was going to say next.

"How did Jason's sister get to the tree. When I saw her she was tied up and no five-year-old frolics into the woods and ties herself up to a tree. So, someone must have kidnapped her and left her there," I explained. 

The entire room was incredibly quiet. A certain quiet that would make a pin sound like a bomb. Although everyone's heart was running faster than a frightened cheetah, no one made a single move. They stayed as sculptures for half a minute until I said, "Okay don't answer me then. You can sit there like Mona Lisa instead." 

As I left to my room, I heard many footsteps and whispering. I lied on my bed and felt the pain of rejection again. I winced in pain and felt a feeling as if Jason was nearby. I shook my head at the thought and brought my mind back on the scene that happened before I came to my room. In the moment I got an epiphany. Only Mother, Father, Ottis and Arcturus knows about what happened that night. Even at that, why did they all freeze?

I got up from my bed and headed to Father's office but before I reached the door. I feel a heavy weight on the side of my head and my eyes shutting. When I opened my eyes, I saw Mother, Father, Sear, Ottis, Arcturus, London, Frank, Charolette, Chris, Rebecca, Cinder, and Wyatt standing in a line and staring at me.

I looked in front of the line and saw Jason tied up to a chair with wires. My heart clenched at the thought of Jason and my wolf pushed me to get closer to him. I glanced at my legs and arms and saw chains around them.

"Nina," I heard the voice of my mate utter. 

I stared at his face the pain of the rejection came again. I fought back a tear as I asked, "Can anyone tell me what is going on?"

"You can't be the leader of the pack," Cinder abruptly said.

"Why not?" I said harshly.

Rebecca groaned and answered, "Because you are unstable. You would think that after all of our attempts, she would have died already."

"What attempts?" I asked. No one answered, instead they looked at each other. "What attempts!" I yelled this time.

"Should we tell her?" Arcturus addressed the group.

"Tell me what?" I questioned, my patience for clarification decreasing.

"We did it," Mother confessed.

"Did what?"

"We made you kill Jason's sister," she explained in a sad tone.

Jason's eyes bulged and he screamed, "You did what!"

I shook my head and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mother took a deep breath in and unraveled the truth. "We kidnapped Jason's sister and tied her up to a tree. Then I give you the pills to activate your other side and your father made sure to tire you out before directing you to the area Jason's sister was."

Jason's eyes bulged again and he screamed, "You did what!"  

"Why?" I asked.

"We knew that you killing your mate's sister would destroy the bond between the two of you. With that bond broken, it'll break you and you won't be the leader of the pack," Rebecca clarified.

Father took a step forward and stated, "You are a danger to this pack."

"Let me get this right. All of you hated the fact that I would take over, so much that you all constructed a twisted, evil plan to stop me."

"Which didn't work so this is plan B," Cinder announced.

"What do you mean?" I asked while squinting my eyes.

Father sighed and said, "You are going to surrender your position in the pack and leave the land never to come back."

"Hell no!" I disagreed.

Arcturus chuckled and stated, "We knew you would say that."

"If you don't surrender, your mate here will die with a push of a button," Father spoke ask he held a knob connected to the wire that snaked around the chair Jason was on.

"No, no, no, no, no please don't kill me," Jason quavered. "Nina, please don't let them take me like they did my sister," he pleaded.

I smiled at the thought that he didn't fully blame me for his sister's death anymore. I looked at Father and stared at his shaking thumb that was hovering over the button on the knob. There was no way he was actually going to push the button. "Go ahead," I bluffed in and shrugged my shoulders.

Cinder's mouth dropped open and she exclaimed, "Are you serious! This is your mate and you are willing to let him die right in front of you. How dark and icy is your heart?"

I rolled my eyes and explained, "As far as I know, he's not my mate. I don't have a mate anymore. So go on and press the button."

"Nina I'm really sorry for what happened and the way it happened. I didn't know the full story. Please don't let me die. I'm begging you."

Jason tears streamed down his face crushing my heart even more. Father's thumb slowly went down and before it could skim the top of the button, I yelled out, "Stop! I surrender alright. Just let Jason go."

"Fine honey," Father said with a smirk

Arcturus brought a paper and pen. "Sign right there," he directed and landed his pointer finger on the bottom of the page.

I growled and sign the paper. "There. Now let him go," I ordered.

"Sure honey," Mother agreed and gave Father a nod.

Father let go of the knob which fell and landed on the button and created a chain of electricity that ran through the wires and onto Jason. It all happened in a flash. Jason's body was limp on the chair and my wolf was slowing dying and howling in pain. 

The rest was a blur but I remember running away from that horrid place with my belongings and promising Jason's soul that his death would be avenged.



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