7~ Bloodstream

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Brace yourself because this is sort of a long, tragic chapter.

Keep Calm And Go Into The Woods

Chapter 7


May 30, 1990- Wednesday

I did something awful and Jason's never going to forgive me.

On Thursday, I dreaded how long the school day loitered because I wanted to prove to Father that I'm capable of leading the pack and after the search that night, he might have a little more faith in me.

Before I went to sleep on Tuesday, I asked Mother for a refill of the pills the doctor gave me to suppress my "other side." When she gave me the case I asked, "Why are the pills blue? They've always been yellow."

"Well because of your little outburst about a week ago, your doctor provided me one that will decrease the likelihood of history repeating," Mother explained.

"I hope this helps during the full moon. Thanks." With that, I rushed to my room and took one of the pills and fell into a dreamless sleep.

For the entire week, I felt myself snapping at more people than I usually do and getting frustrated easily. I guessed that is was the coming of the full moon that shifted my attitude to the people around me. I also got the same daydream of a girl shrieking in agony about ten times a day.

When the time came for me to join the group of people that were also searching tonight, I quickly walked to my room and grabbed the bottle of blue pills. I popped in two pills instead of one so I can be steadier tonight. I felt a surge of energy run through my veins and shrugged it off as the medicine working like it should.

I was about to head out when my phone vibrated on my nightstand. I sighed and walked over to see that Jason was calling. I immediately picked up and heard Jason shaking and repeating that his little sister had been kidnapped and he was distraught and afraid. All I want to do was be there for him but then Father mind-linked me saying that everyone was waiting for me. I reassured Jason and informed him that I was going to be there.

Turns out I got my hopes up too much because the entire night was boring. There were about sixty of us out there in the woods and we were spread out into groups of fifteen. I rushed to complete my sections so I could go to Jason but, Father kept assigning me other areas. Two hours later, Father and I were the only ones still outside searching. 

At that point, I was extremely irritated and complained through the mind-link, "Father, I told you, Jason needs me and you are making me go over areas we covered already."

"As an Alpha, you are always the last inside and you search everywhere in case someone missed anything," he stated. I groaned and he gave in. "Okay Nina, just check the south-east region and then you may go. I'll be inside and don't take too long."

I groaned again but followed his instructions. As I searched deeper into the woods, I heard a vague cry. I walk towards the sound and as it became louder, I felt myself becoming anxious and angry. When I feel that I'm about to shift to my other side, I think of anything that makes me gleeful or calm. It used to be food and water but now it's Jason. Jason's smile, laugh, and touch was what I focused on but it didn't help.

I had fully shifted and there was a helpless toddler tied to a tree in front of me. Jason's sister.

The next thing I remember was a bloody body beneath me and my hands soaked in the same blood. I was petrified at the sight and froze for a split moment before falling to my knees and sobbing. I glanced at the shredded body and thought of how distressed Jason would be when he found out what I had done.

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