10. Two Holes and One Stone

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Don't die if you can live.


"Where are we going, Ian?"

Adrian shook his head and smiled, a fake smile. "You'll see when we get there."

He was packing an awful lot of stuff for some small field trip.
I sipped from my water bottle and noticed a weird coloring in the sky. It seemed to look like the ocean, the clouds pushed in to seem like sea foam contracting with the varying colors of blue for an ocean vibe.
Stars were dotted randomly in the sky like a child's drawing when they don't color the entire paper.

I picked up a duffel bag and carried it to the car. "Why a van though?"

"Because it's easier to handle with all the luggage." Maybe but I don't think that's the only reason.

"Quickly. I want to meet up with Dyllon before-"
An arm hooked around my shoulder and a shiver went down my spine as I knew exactly who it was.

"Guys, it's 1 am. What're you guys doing packing up?"

Ian walked up to me and lifted the arm off of me. "None of your concern. Go back to bed, brother."

He grabbed onto me and threw me over his shoulder. "Sorry Ian but she's a very vital part in my assignment. In fact, she is the assignment."

My legs were still numb and I was still utterly terrified at what this guy had the ability to do.
I looked into Ian's eyes and I knew he could see I wasn't moving on my own.

"Dean, go to bed and put Ri down."

"Afraid I can't do that brother. I'm sure I can get her to visit you but you guys barely know each other so what's the point?"

Ian's eyes darkened. "I'm nor doing this right now." He tried to grab my arm but Dean backed up.

"Bro, I'm gonna leave for London tomorrow and I'm taking Cari with me. Ciao."
I had the urge to yell in his face but I tried to keep it in. Dean could see the look I had on my face.

"Wanna say something dear?"

"...you're a...."
"I'm a what sweetie? Say it louder please?"
"That you're a fucking bitch!"

That's when his eyes went red.
"Excuse me?"

I looked over at Ian and his eyes stayed glue to his brother, his stance indicating he was about to do something bad.

I said something I wasn't supposed to say.

"I'm not very pleased with your tone. Adrian, what would you say if I bit this girl right now? You know, you watching as I sucked the life outta her?"

Ian gaped his mouth slightly but didn't say anything. "Nothing?"

A small smiled played on his lips. "Nothing."

He put his hands in his hips. "What's up brother, you're never this chill."
His eyes were still red but his face showed that he was amused.

I could see how dark Adrian's eyes have gotten but they were still green.
By now, they were just having a staring contest and I was skiing in the sidewalk wondering what they were doing.

I felt a prick on my neck and patted my hand to where I felt it. I pulled out a needle with a small orange ball at the back.

Then my throat started to burn up. I choked out a few coughs but more followed after.
"oh no."

I knew what was going on. Dean was stalling for time before the actual guys came up.

He must've seen my face when I realized because he picked one of the bags..
And threw it at Ian!

"What the he-!"
Another one of those needles hit me and I fell face first on the pavement.
"Fuck this shit, Ri! Ca-"

Then everything disappeared.


"Cari. Wake up." No. "Wake up or I'll throw you out of this car." Then I wont bear your nagging voice again.
"Get up or I'll kiss you."

"I'm up!," I responded. "Wait, how did we end up here?"

We were in the back of the van, Dyllon driving.

"After you passed out, we took down the guys, nothing big."

"What's wrong," Ian asked.

"My neck is killing me." I rubbed the side of my neck and felt a liquid coating my hand.
"I think I'm bleeding."

"Lemme see." I moved my band out of the way and he examined the wound.
"Ah, don't touch it. I'll disinfect it."

Did he not notice that a layer of my son's was completely red the entire time I was asleep?
Now that I think about it, if his brother's a vampire, then he should have some sort of abnormal ability, too.

"Hey, Ian."
"Mm hmm."
"Take off your sunglasses."


Adrian's POV

"What?" I can't take off my sunglasses, my eyes turned red when she was asleep.

I looked over at Dyllon and he shook his head. He mouthed 'dont do it.'

"No. Right now, we need to take care of that cut."
I got out a disinfecting wipe and cleaned the blood from her neck, two holes punctured by her collarbone.

They were too thin to be Dean's, wait...
Did I do that?

"Ian, please take off your glasses," Cari pleaded.
"No, stop asking."
"Why not?"

What reason can be made to wear sunglasses in a car?
"I have a black eye and it's hideous."
"So? Nothing can make you ugly, Adrian. You're a good looking guy."

Wow... Wow. Wow! What the hell is she doing to me?

"Ri...just. Just no."

She bit the inside of her cheek and looked away from me. She can be soo... I don't know.

I face forward and crossed my arms. She just doesn't understand it yet.
Once we get there, she'll realize what this is all for.

Once Dyllon explained, it was clear what was going on.
And it was very easy to believe it too.

Just-Just hand on for a bit Cari, it'll be easy to understand soon enough.


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More updates on the way.

Lots of luck and other stuff 🍀

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