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"Kassie, I have to go now!" I laughed as I tried to escape my best friends grip

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"Kassie, I have to go now!" I laughed as I tried to escape my best friends grip. The school day was finally over and I was trying to get home before the rain storm settled over Housten, Texas.

"Wait! You didn't answer my question! Are you coming to the party tonight or not?" she ask finally calming down from her fit of giggles.

"Probably not, we're on tornado watch and I don't wanna be caught in one at two in the morning." I laugh. "No thanks."

"Ugh! How long have you been living in Texas? We are always on tornado watch." she says jokingly.

"All my life." I laugh. "Now I gotta get home before my dad has a heart attack." I say walking away.

"Bye!" I hear her call out. I wave to her before turning around to make my way back home.

By the time I'm half way home, the wind has picked up, the dark clouds are covering the sky like a blanket giving off an erie feeling. The next thing I know, the tornado sirens are going off. Great. I'm not even that close to my house. I sigh loudly thinking I should probably take the bus. But that would probably take longer since I have to wait for the bus to show up.

I pick up my pace so I could try to make it home before the tornado touched down. The wind whipped at my hair, tossing it across the front of my face blocking my view in front of me. The streets were abandoned due to the storm that's about to touch down.

I finally reach my house just as the rain started to come down, and ran inside closing the door swiftly behind me.

"Dawn is that you?" I hear my father yell from the kitchen.

"Yes!" I respond while hanging my coat on the rack by the door. I meet him in the kitchen to see him dressed in a suit and tie. "Aw, you have to go to that business trip now? We're about to get hit with a really bad storm." I sigh, sitting at the kitchen island.

"Yes I do, I'll be fine. If I don't go now, I won't make it in time to check in to my hotel. I won't hear the end of it." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek before picking up his suitcase and carry-on bag. "I'll only be gone for seven days, I'll leave you the keys to the ford, I left a couple hundred dollars for you in the living room only to be spent on necessities, okay? I've got to get going, I've got a four hour drive ahead of me and it's already 2 o' clock. I love you, honey. Please behave yourself." My father hugs me tightly and leaves another kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too, I promise I'll behave. Drive safely please." I say as I follow him to the door, the wind blows harshly as he walks towards his black Infinity. He waves before reversing out of the driveway and I close the door turning to go back to the kitchen. I stand under the threshold with my hands on my hips wondering what the hell I'm going to do with myself for the next week.

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