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"You don't need to worry about that right now, okay?" He says with a harsh tone. The look on his face hardens letting me know that he's serious and I keep my mouth shut. He stands up, again, and moves away from me while running a hand through his long curls.

He walks towards the door and leaves without looking back or saying another word.

My eyes begin to burn again as the tears fall out, and I'm not even trying to hold back this time. I've never been so scared. I don't understand what this man wants with me if he doesn't even want anything from me supposedly. Why me? I just want to go home, I need to get out of here.


I lay back with my back against the headboard of bed, my cheeks stained with tears

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I lay back with my back against the headboard of bed, my cheeks stained with tears. I sit there staring across the room with my eyes wide open, not moving. It's later that night, around nine-ish. I've been staring at my phone waiting for it to light up with someone calling me asking where I am. But it's sat there all day, not even blinking once. Maybe it was dead? Maybe nobody realized I was even missing yet? But that's impossible, Kassie for sure had to realize I was missing when I never came back from getting fresh air. And there was no one even around to witness the man taking me to his car. I hope my phone is just dead.

I sigh loudly, still high with hopes that someone is trying to figure out where I am. Hell, I don't even know where I am. I didn't even get to see where he was taking me since I was asleep half the time.

The man that I still haven't learned the name of hasn't been back in here all day. I was beginning to get hungry and I really needed to use the bathroom, I've been holding it for hours now and my blatter was beginning to hurt. There was a bathroom in the room he kept me locked away in, but there was no way I could even get to it due to being shackled down. I looked at my ankle and shifted it around. A bruise was beginning to appear where the cuff was due to me pulling at it.

Another hour seems to pass and it's getting to the point where I can't hold my pee anymore and I refuse to go on myself. "Hello?" I shout hoping someone could hear me. I can hear men talking but it's faint.

"Hello?!" I shout even louder this time. I finally hear footsteps coming towards the room. My heart picks up the pace a little, scared I might've just asked for trouble. The door clicks as whoever it is unlocks the door before slowly pushing it open. The man stumbles in, drink in one hand, keys in the other. It's my kidnapper and he seems drunk, it frightens me a little since I don't know how he is when he's like this.

"You shouted 'hello?'" He says closing the door behind him and taking another sip from his glass. He seems okay... for now.

"Um, I just needed to use the bathroom." I say looking down at my ankle. He chuckles slightly at my sentence.

"The bathroom, huh?" He says smiling at me before setting his drink down

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"The bathroom, huh?" He says smiling at me before setting his drink down. I nod. He walks slowly, but you could tell he was drunk. He fumbles with his key chain as he sits at the edge of the bed near my ankle. He finally finds the key, but he turns to me while gripping my ankle.

"Don't even bother trying to escape." He starts, looking me in my eyes. "There's no way out, and I've got men at every corner." He says while caressing my leg softly making me flinch slightly. "Do you understand?" He asked. I only nod, not wanting to speak to this man.

He smiles at me before looking down at the cuffs and unlocking them. "Don't take too long." He says, dismissing me. I stand up slowly, my shoes hitting the floor with a quiet thud. I pull my dress down as I walk towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me locking it. My first instinct is to look around for anything that could help get me out of here. There's not one single window in this bathroom. I groan quietly, sighing loudly as I looked myself in the mirror. My cheeks were stained with black tears from my mascara and all my crying I've done. I turn the faucet on and try my best to wash it all away. I grab the towel that was laying on the sink and dry my face. Giving up on trying to find a way out, I use the bathroom and walk back out. When I opened the door he was laying across the bed deep in thought, not even noticing my return.

He seems to notice my presence and looks up at me, he sits up with a smirk on his face.

"Feel better now?" He slurs sarcastically. I ignore his comment as he stands back to his feet. He motions for me to return back to the bed and he cuffs my ankle up once again. I feel like crying all over again, the cuffs made me feel overwhelmed and this man here is drunk standing in front of me. I push back the tears and my curiosity begins to take over.

"What's your name?" I finally ask, wondering if that was even a good idea.

"You're a nosey little thing, aren't you?" He looks down at me with a smirk. This boy and his damn smirk. I look at him curiously waiting for an answer.

"So are you gonna tell me? That's the one thing you could probably tell me if you won't tell me why I'm hear." I say crossing my arms, holding my ground for once with this extremely intimidating man.

He chuckles lightly. "It's Harry." He says casually, he turns around to grab the cup he set down earlier and brings it back to his lips. I forgot he was even drunk, he definitely isn't vulnerable when he's drinking.

"Oh." Was all I say back. I'm not sure what I was expecting but that wasn't the feeling I was hoping for when I got an answer from him. I debate on whether or not I should ask about my father but I don't wanna push him. This may be the longest he's gone without screaming at me, and maybe it's because of the alcohol he's consumed, I'll never know.

"Well if you're done bothering me, I'm going to go." He sips the rest of his drink. "Don't make anymore disruptive noises tonight, okay?" He turns on his heel and heads for the door.

"How do you know my dad?" I blurt out without even thinking first. I mentally smack myself when he stops walking, his back is still facing me. He sighs loudly making me nervous that he might blow up.

"We'll discuss that tomorrow when I'm sober." He says a little harshly but keeps his voice low. He then leaves the room locking the door behind him once again.

I stare at the closed door wondering what could possibly be going through that thick skull of his. What the hell does he want with my father? Is my father doing things behind my back? I rub my face with both hands out of frustration. Why is this happening to me?

I lay on my back of the uncomfortable bed and stare at the ceiling. The room got darker as the night went on and I became too tired to try and stay awake. My eyes failed me and closed with out permission and placed me into a deep sleep.


Sorry for the short chapters, they'll become longer as the story goes on. Please don't forget to vote, comment & share! Thank you guys so much!

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